Is there a way to get a callback when an OTA session start?

After I call OTA_AgentInit I need to know if a receive file session start in order to stop some other activities to allow the full bandwidth of the network to receive the file.
I can pool the OTA state with OTA_GetAgentState but I want to get a callback when the download session begin without the need to pool for the state.


We can only use OTA_GetAgentState and check if the state is eOTA_AgentState_CreatingFile which is just before the file download starts. The application callbacks are provided only when the download completes with the status. We can review this as a feature request for the library and I will update this post.

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Thank you for the answer.
I do think this is important to add this feature since, as I mention in the initial message, it is important to know that this intensive process is about to start. Any how the process will end up with a system reset so we can precede and shut down some activities (i.e. shadow interface) that consume bandwidth and might delayed or even break the OTA process.