IoT Device Monitoring for Quality Assurance of FreeRTOS Firmware over AWS IoT Core

Watch this presentation about IoT device monitoring as a means for firmware quality assurance, by Percepio CEO and founder, Dr. Johan Kraft. This is based on a recent webinar and is 19 minutes long, including a hands-on demo using FreeRTOS and AWS IoT Core.


Great video @johankraft, thank you for posting! I loved the hands on demo of DevAlert. Getting real world application traces and being able to diagnose more clearly on shipped devices combined with AWS IoT OTA service to push patches allows for much more reliable end products that you just can’t think to create tests for in development. Nice touch on persisting the trace data in flash (only 10-20kb) and send on restart/reconnect — and all with a footprint of only 5-10kb of RAM. :clap:

Thanks Rashed! The AWS IoT Core libraries simplified the target-side solution quite a lot.

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