The only interrupt that seems to work is the Tick Interrupt from FreeRTOS itself. It is initialised in essentially 3 lines of code `xPortInstallInterruptHandler(configTIMER_INTERRUPT_ID,
( Xil_InterruptHandler ) FreeRTOS_Tick_Handler,
( void * ) &xTimerInstance);
/* The priority must be the lowest possible. */
XScuGic_SetPriorityTriggerType( &xInterruptController, configTIMER_INTERRUPT_ID, portLOWEST_USABLE_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY << portPRIORITY_SHIFT, ucLevelSensitive );
Using the same functions I am not able to initialise other interrupts. I am fearing it has something to do with the Exception Level 1, because when downloading with JTAG in EL3 interrupts do work(Only tested software interrupts). When looking at the underlying Generic Interrupt Controller, it seems to forward only Group 0 interrupts. Could that be a problem?
Where is the comment you pasted into your last post? Is it in FreeRTOS code, Xilinx code or your code? if it is in FreeRTOS code please link to the line in Github.
That is setting the priority of the interrupt that generates the RTOS tick. I think it is sound advice to have this as the lowest priority, otherwise tick tick count could change during processing of other interrupts.
Wouldn’t then the kernel need the highest priority so it cannot be interrupted? Or what do you mean with the tick count could change?
And wouldn’t hardware Interrupts thats use FreeRTOS Api functions need an even lower priority than the kernal tick? If so how would that work if the kernal tick has the lowest priority?
The kernel is not a task nor an interrupt, so there is no sense in “kernel needs a priority.”
The service interrupt (if present) MUST have the lowest priority because it is from there a context switch is being initiated, and a context switch can only “return to” a valid task context.
From my understanding “the tick count could change” means that when an interrupt lower than the sys tick priority reads the sys tick and then gets interrupted by the sys tick interrupt, the system timer and that interrupt have different undertandings of the system time which may pose problems. The sys tick handler can theoretically run at any priority, but even though it is fine tuned to eat up as few CPU cycles as possible, it will adversely affect all ISRs running at lower priority by “stealing” cycles.
When the scheduler and interrupts must ensure uninterruptable sequencing, they do so with the aid of the critical section.