Intermittent Event Firing

dmccric wrote on Wednesday, September 11, 2019:

I am using a PIC32 with FreeRTOS v10. I am placing data received from the UART (115,200bps) into a circular buffer but aIso checking for carriage return and 1 command string. If I find either I will set an event which will then parse the data.

I also have a service task running every 50ms that will check what commands I get. This is what controls the initialisation and normal operation of the external device, a Ble Module.

The event is not firing some times the ISR.

Has anyone come across this?
Is it legal for an event to fire while still running in the event task?

rtel wrote on Wednesday, September 11, 2019:

Please describe what the event is - for example, is it a FreeRTOS
primitive such as a direct to task notification or semaphore, or is it a
hardware trigger? Then please show a cut down version of your interrupt
service routine. Finally, check you are following the instructions on
writing FreeRTOS aware interrupt service routines found on this page:

dmccric wrote on Wednesday, September 11, 2019:

I have actually replaced the event with a direct to task notification and it works great. I block the task indefinatley and then use ‘vTaskNotifyGiveFromISR’ to then parse the data in the parse task.