images on webserver

wacko_eddie wrote on Tuesday, February 28, 2006:


I’m working with the AT91SAM7X-EK and FreeRTOS
3.2.4. I would like to display images on the site that’s going to be implementated on the board.

How is it possible to get the images displayd trough the browser request?


rtel wrote on Tuesday, February 28, 2006:

Are you using the uIP/IAR demo.  If so then the demo uses the FreeRTOS logo image on the WEB page so you can copy this.  Basically put it in the uip/fs/img directory before creating the file system image.


wacko_eddie wrote on Tuesday, February 28, 2006:

I’m working with the lwIP Rowley Demo using gcc.

But I’m gonna take a look at the uip sources now