I.mxrt1050 aws demo shadow wiced problems

Hi, I am trying to connect my evkbimxrt1050 board (Murata 1DX M.2 module + Murata uSD M.2 Adapter) to AWS using the demos “shadow_wiced” for days now.

When I change the aws_clientcredential to connect my wifi it could connect to wifi but throws errors like ERROR(15878) Failed to establisch new connection. Socket Status: -8576

If I replace the clientcredential_keys.h with the one I created I got this:

I have absolute no idea what to do…

Thanks in advance

Ok. I did nothing and suddenly this happens

Is there anyone who can help me? :smiley:

The above log shows that the demo has completed successfully - look “Demo Completed Successfully” message. This means that your certificate, keys and the associated policies are correct.

Are you trying to port our code to this board or is this an existing port?


Hi aggarg,
thanks for replying.
I know this means it was successful but I am not able to reproduce it. It seems to be random. Somestimes it will work, sometimes not. Maybe the power only via USB is too low?
It is an existing port. I only changed aws_clientcredentials (SSID, password, endpoint and thing name) and the clientcredientials_key file.

Ok, here are the detailed steps:

  • Import SDK example
  • Select board: evkbimxrt1050
  • aws_clientcredential_keys.h replaced with the one created in Configurator
  • aws_clientcredential.h -> set endpoint, thing name, SSID and password
  • Build
  • Debug
  • Resume
  • Error (see picture)

Hi Max,

Can you share what version of the code you are using?


Hi Joshua,
it’s from SDK Version 2.8.2.
Do you need any further details?
Sorry, I should say that I am totally new to this.
I think will capture a video later on to make sure that I click nothing wrong.

Edit: I just started the pc, plug the board in and had terra term open and the demo runs but I can’t reproduce it :frowning:. Maybe it has something to do that the board get power only via usb (the debug port). I already ordered a barrel jack connector.

Does that mean that the issue is with the debugging setup? Can you try not to debug but just flash the board and then run it multiple times by resetting the board? Keep the Tera Term open so that you see the output.


Exactly. I just plugged the board in socket usb adapter und received output in aws mqtt console. I will try it several times tomorrow. Thank you for your input!
Is there a setting to change for debugging?

So it will always work once. After starting my PC when I connect the board to my laptop the demo will run fine but a second time. Even reconnect wont help. Only shutting down and wait.
It seems to be an hardware problem and not a software problem?


This is the getting started guide and repository code for IMXrt1050 from our device catalog page :

Did you try all the debugging steps and one of the demos in this repository ?

Also note that IAR embedded workbench and CMAKE (arm gcc) are listed as two supported IDES. Could you try debugging with any of these two IDEs ?


thanks for reply. I studied the Getting Started Document before but I have no licence for IAR and I struggled to work with CMAKE so I switched to MCUXpresso.

External power supply does not solve the problem. SW7 is on-off-off-on, correct?
By the way, the problem only exists with aws. The other demos will always work fine.
Any Jumper that has to be changed for aws?

No further ideas? :frowning_face:

Apologies for the late reply. Would you please try to find the instruction that is causing fault. Here are the instructions about how to do that: https://www.freertos.org/Debugging-Hard-Faults-On-Cortex-M-Microcontrollers.html


Looking at the image you shared:


What is the line #149 in mflash_file.c?


Hi Gaurav,

no need to apology here. I am very thankful for your help! Nevertheless I am bit frustrated that I have issues with demo apps.
Attached you will find what is in mflash:file.c - no changes made here.

I have a feeling that my problem has something do to with the priorities of the tasks but I have no idea how to solve this. I will go trough the link you provided. Thanks so far.

Could someone check my freeRTOSConfig.h (attached), please?
I have to admit that I am a absolute beginner to this. Sorry! Please let me know if you need any further information.FreeRTOSConfig.h (9.5 KB)

Edit: I am pretty sure that it has something to do with my task priorities…

Anyone? :frowning:
Should have something to do with the task priorities…

One more try… Can someone help me with setting up task priorities?

Looking at the line #149 return pdTRUE;, it is either return address (which is stored in LR) is corrupted or data access violation is imprecise. Would you please put a breakpoint at this line and share the call-stack? Also, how do you conclude that it is an issue with task priorities?

Would you want to hop on a call to debug this?


Hi aggarg,

a call would be great ! :slight_smile: