How to use lwip

yyang2000 wrote on Wednesday, July 08, 2009:

Hi,  I’ve used FreeRTOS v5.0.3 with the demo of CORTEX_LM3Sxxxx_Kail. This demo has used uIP as webserver application.  I also see there is another application lwIP under the Common/ethernet folder. Please pardon me for below questions that I want to a shortcut to learn the lwIP stuffs.

I wonder if I can replace the lwIP application to uIP application in LM3Sxxxx_Kail demo. But I don’t know how to do. Does some one have done already? so can I get a sample?

Also I wonder if there is any document like user manual or readme file regarding how to use lwIP. I only saw a couple FILES for describing a file tree. Is there document online?

Third, there is SNMP folder with files under the core folder. Does this mean the lwIP is supporting SNMP implementation? Because my project has a Ethernet switch controller by LM3S6965, the application needs to run SNMP. 

Bill Yang

rtel wrote on Thursday, July 09, 2009:

I have an lwIP Stellaris example sent by a third party that I can send to you as a starting point.  Write to me at r (dot) barry [at]


pdeflandre wrote on Thursday, July 09, 2009:

The best place for an lwIP online help is here :

I don’t know about uIP, but lwIP use three kind of API :
- a raw API, which is useful an OS less system,
- netconn API, which is specific to lwIP an is use with an OS
- a BSD like socket API

If your uIP example use socket, then you could certainly adapt it to lwIP without pain.
But if this uIP use a specific API like a raw or netconn API, then you will probably find more problems to adapt it to lwIP.

As for SNMP, I don’t have use it for now. But as far as I know, it is supported by lwIP.