How to implement Microphone on FreeRTOS

Hi everyone,
I need your help for a project I’m trying to carry out, based on STM32CubeIDE and using FreeRTOS.
I have an STM32L475 board and I would like to create a translator that, starting from the voice recorded through the board’s microphone, converts the voice to text (using some online API).
Unfortunately I couldn’t find much online.
Have any of you ever managed to make the microphone on this board work and make it work for this purpose?
Thank you in advance

It is not clear which part you are asking about - getting the microphone to work or getting the voice to text to work. If the microphone, does the STM32L475 have an evaluation board with a microphone input? I think some of the larger ST eval boards have microphones and cameras - if so then the examples that come with the dev board will probably have what you need.