How make to call for use BlockQ.c

mcgilbarron wrote on Tuesday, February 08, 2011:

i dont now how call to task in the example BlockQ.c, y know that i need to create a task in the main but what parameters i need to write in the task?

xTaskCreate( vStartBlockingQueueTasks,?,?,?,?,?,?);


richard_damon wrote on Tuesday, February 08, 2011:

Have you read the documentation for xTaskCreate (or any of the rest of the documentation for FreeRTOS?)

mcgilbarron wrote on Wednesday, February 09, 2011:

It is true, I never would have thought : )

Well, the answer is:

int  main()
vStartBlockingQueueTasks( mainBLOCK_Q_PRIORITY );
      for( ;; );

In the demo folder, we can find the implementations of different manufacturers, and its main files are the calls to the examples of the COMMON folder like “BlockQ.c” , “death.c” ,“integer.c” ,“flash.c”,“partest.c” etc.
