How I can send a message to a task?

penauser wrote on Sunday, April 25, 2010:

Hi, is it possible to send the message to the task(s)?  I mean I would like to send message from a task1 to task2.  But only to the task2.  
How I can do that?
Can anyone help me, please?

edwards3 wrote on Sunday, April 25, 2010:

Read the web site and look at the demo aps. There are a lot of examples.

penauser wrote on Sunday, April 25, 2010:

Thank you edwardds3, but this is not what I meant.
I know how I can using a queue or sharing resources but I would like to send a message to only one task.
Examples:  I have task1, task2 and task3.  And now I would like to send message from task1 to task2(and task3 dont’t know anything that message).  So same way as using a mailbox.  I think that only possibility is use own queue between every tasks=>  Queue1 for task1 and task2, Queue2 for task1 and task3 and Queue3 for task2 and task3.
Is this only way to do it?

jmaygarden wrote on Wednesday, April 28, 2010:

Using a queue for each message path certainly seems like a reasonable approach. Isn’t that how a mailbox would be implemented?