Help for a message print macro

yyang2000 wrote on Tuesday, June 23, 2009:


I try to create a macro for printing out the message as the definition below, but it got compiling error. Could some one has the knowledge to help this?

__inline void _dbgprint(…) {}
#define KMsg _dbgprint
#define KMTX(x) TEXT(x)

/* in the code usage */
KMsg(KMTX("sprintf(%02x)\n"), _data);


edwards3 wrote on Tuesday, June 23, 2009:

How is this related to FreeRTOS? you dont even mention what the compile error is.

yyang2000 wrote on Tuesday, June 23, 2009:

Sorry. I forgot mention that it is FreeRTOS 5.0.3 version on CORTEX_LM3Sxxx_Kail distribution. The error is on the line code __inline void _dbgprint(…) {} that said "error: #79: expected a type speciifier and #141-D: unnamed prototyped parameters not allowed when body is present" in compiling main.c.

I also wonder if there is any similar code for a print message macro used on the FreeRTOS society or forum, so I can get a reference or hint.

Thanks, Bill 

dumarjo wrote on Tuesday, June 23, 2009:

your __inline _dgbprint() is in your header file or in your C file ?


yyang2000 wrote on Thursday, June 25, 2009:

It is in C file not in header file.