ssn1971 wrote on Thursday, May 24, 2012:

Hi All.
I use 3 ISR: ECT for system tick counter, CAN and PIT timer.
I set priority:
            PIT timer is 7 ( highest ),
            CAN is 6,
            ECT is 5 ( lowest ).
I want something to FreeRTOS don`t disable global interrupt, macros portENABLE_INTERRUPTS() I do empty.
After that, the program stops working, it crash.
Why? Ыo you can not do at all?
Best regards,

rtel wrote on Thursday, May 24, 2012:

As far as I recall, the HCS12 port does not support nested interrupts.

xz8987f wrote on Thursday, May 24, 2012:

HCS12 only has one interrupt inhibit bit, so no nested interrupts. You *could* re-enable interrupts in the ISR, but this will enable *all* interrupts. To the extend that even a lower priority interrupt can occur. That’s usually not what you want.
So indeed: nested interrupts for HCS12 is not supported (by the hardware, and by the port).

ssn1971 wrote on Thursday, May 24, 2012:

I are confused. Must be portDISABLE_INTERRUPTS() is empty.
In general, both are not used.
Best regards,

ssn1971 wrote on Thursday, May 24, 2012:

The problem is that in highest priority PIT timer ISR managed hardware with period 25 us.
If I disabled global interrupt I get a bid jitter.
This is critical for my application.