skikepok wrote on Thursday, November 15, 2012:
First, thank you for the FreeRTOS project.
My code is based on the “CORTEX_STM32F107_GCC_Rowley” DEMO.
I tried to create a FreeRTOS project launching a simple task. but after almost
5 seconds, the application crash unexpectedly.
I looked for the crashing part but I could not identify it.
I tried to remove my simple task but the application still crash; that is why
I think there is a problem in my configuration of the task scheduler.
This is my main:
int main( void )
So there is only the Idle task running.
With only this task, my application still crash and I don’t understand either why or where.
I didn’t modify a lot of file and certainly not task.c or task.h
This is my STM32F10x_Startup.S file.
This is my thumb_crt0.S file.
There is my compilation flags (using arm-none-eabi-gcc):
-DPACK_STRUCT_END="__attribute((packed))" -DALIGN_STRUCT_END="__attribute((aligned(4)))" -DNULL="(void *)0" -DSTARTUP_FROM_RESET -c -fno-common -O0 -g -mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb -ggdb -std=c99
Does someone have an idea of what could be wrong ?