HardFault_Handler when call prvPortStartFirstTask() on core 1 of Cortex-M7_1 of S32G399

HardFault_Handler when call prvPortStartFirstTask() on core 1 of Cortex-M7_1 of S32G399A.

S32G399A is one chip from NXP which has 4 Cortex-M7 cores.
I have integrate the freertos on core M7_0 and it works.
When I integrate the freertos on core M7_1, I am using the same configuration with M7_0.
I have checked the development tools are defined as [weak symbols], I have set the configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE from 90 to 300 and I think it is enough.

Here is the state of M7_0, after “svc 0x0” in function prvPortStartFirstTask, the pc pointer run to SVC_Handler, function named “vPortSVCHandler”.

But for M7_1,after “svc 0x0” in function prvPortStartFirstTask, the pc pointer run to HardFault_Handler.

What should I configure for the new core? How can I do for next?
Waiting for your support!

I assume that you are trying to run 2 separate instances of FreeRTOS on these cores. Can you verify that -

  • vPortSVCHandler is installed as the SVC handler.
  • Interrupts are not disabled on this core.