Generate Interrupt and Interrupt Handler MSVC

andrewalo wrote on Tuesday, January 13, 2015:

Hi Guys,
Sorry for my first newbie knowledge of freertos. I’m tryng to generate an interrupt to call an handler function.

On the practical guide i’ve read this statements:

_asm{} //to generate interrupt

static void _interrupt _ far handlerfunc(void) {} //to define handler func

_dos_setvect{} //to install the handler func

but i think that they’re for another architecture,

is there a guide for make this on MSVC?maybe an example.

Thank you :slight_smile:

rtel wrote on Tuesday, January 13, 2015:

As the simulator is running under Windows, and not actually simulating any hardware, it is not possible to generate real interrupts. However you can generate simulated interrupts. See the following link:


andrewalo wrote on Tuesday, January 13, 2015:

Yeah!i was written how i resolved, if someone needs help:

vPortGenerateSimulatedInterrupt( portINTERRUPT_YIELD2 );//generate interrupt

static uint32_t handlerfunc(void){}//interrupt handler (NOT UNSIGNED LONG)

vPortSetInterruptHandler( portINTERRUPT_YIELD2, handlerfunc );//install interrupt

and in the portmacro.h, #define portINTERRUPT_YIELD2 (2UL)/or another value/

Thank you :slight_smile: !!!