FreeRTOSIP-TCP Connection issue

joehinkle wrote on Tuesday, August 09, 2016:

I’ve been using UDP for some time now.

Attempting to use TCP with this stack.

In another post, I had an issue with FreeRTOS_select not working with a Listen socker because a FreeRTOSConfig setting was in conflict with the FreeRTOS_select’s capability.

I’m wondering if the issue that follows is also associated with conflicting CONFIG settings.

My TCP usage is a small web server. Chrome is attempting to connect.

FreeRTOSIP identifies the incoming connection and my code issues FreeRTOS_accept.

Chrome does not like the connections and closes all of the connections without ever attempting to send data to the connection.

I have a WireShark listing showing MY side of the communication – notice all of the re-tries.

Following the WireShark listing are the stack’s debug messages that are generated during the process.

Chrome is 192.1689.1.37

Stack Debug Listing:

Debugger Active IP
PixelBoard Debugger Active IP
D:7:28 AM:9901642 -> Gain: Socket 80 now has 1 / 3 child

D:7:28 AM:9901643 -> prvSocketSetMSS: 1460 bytes for c0a80125ip:51148

D:7:28 AM:9901643 -> Socket 80 -> c0a80125ip:51148 State eCLOSED->eSYN_FIRST

D:7:28 AM:9901644 -> Socket 80 -> c0a80125ip:51148 State eSYN_FIRST->eSYN_RECEIVED

D:7:28 AM:9901644 -> Gain: Socket 80 now has 2 / 3 children

D:7:28 AM:9901644 -> prvSocketSetMSS: 1460 bytes for c0a80125ip:51149

D:7:28 AM:9901644 -> Socket 80 -> c0a80125ip:51149 State eCLOSED->eSYN_FIRST

D:7:28 AM:9901644 -> Socket 80 -> c0a80125ip:51149 State eSYN_FIRST->eSYN_RECEIVED

D:7:28 AM:9901892 -> Gain: Socket 80 now has 3 / 3 children

D:7:28 AM:9901892 -> prvSocketSetMSS: 1460 bytes for c0a80125ip:51150

D:7:28 AM:9901893 -> Socket 80 -> c0a80125ip:51150 State eCLOSED->eSYN_FIRST

D:7:28 AM:9901893 -> Socket 80 -> c0a80125ip:51150 State eSYN_FIRST->eSYN_RECEIVED

D:7:28 AM:9901930 -> xTCPCheckNewClient[0]: client on port 80

D:7:28 AM:9901931 -> Connection Using 1

D:7:28 AM:9901931 -> xTCPCheckNewClient[0]: client on port 80

D:7:28 AM:9901931 -> Connection Using 2

D:7:28 AM:9901931 -> Connection Using 3

D:7:28 AM:9904642 -> eSYN_RECEIVED: ACK expected, not SYN: peer missed our SYN+ACK

D:7:28 AM:9904642 -> Socket 80 -> c0a80125ip:51148 State eSYN_RECEIVED->eSYN_FIRST

D:7:28 AM:9904643 -> Socket 80 -> c0a80125ip:51148 State eSYN_FIRST->eSYN_RECEIVED

D:7:28 AM:9904643 -> eSYN_RECEIVED: ACK expected, not SYN: peer missed our SYN+ACK

D:7:28 AM:9904643 -> Socket 80 -> c0a80125ip:51149 State eSYN_RECEIVED->eSYN_FIRST

D:7:28 AM:9904643 -> Socket 80 -> c0a80125ip:51149 State eSYN_FIRST->eSYN_RECEIVED

D:7:28 AM:9904892 -> eSYN_RECEIVED: ACK expected, not SYN: peer missed our SYN+ACK

D:7:28 AM:9904892 -> Socket 80 -> c0a80125ip:51150 State eSYN_RECEIVED->eSYN_FIRST

D:7:28 AM:9904892 -> Socket 80 -> c0a80125ip:51150 State eSYN_FIRST->eSYN_RECEIVED

D:7:28 AM:9910642 -> eSYN_RECEIVED: ACK expected, not SYN: peer missed our SYN+ACK

D:7:28 AM:9910642 -> Socket 80 -> c0a80125ip:51148 State eSYN_RECEIVED->eSYN_FIRST

D:7:28 AM:9910643 -> Socket 80 -> c0a80125ip:51148 State eSYN_FIRST->eSYN_RECEIVED

D:7:28 AM:9910643 -> eSYN_RECEIVED: ACK expected, not SYN: peer missed our SYN+ACK

D:7:28 AM:9910643 -> Socket 80 -> c0a80125ip:51149 State eSYN_RECEIVED->eSYN_FIRST

D:7:28 AM:9910643 -> Socket 80 -> c0a80125ip:51149 State eSYN_FIRST->eSYN_RECEIVED

D:7:28 AM:9910892 -> eSYN_RECEIVED: ACK expected, not SYN: peer missed our SYN+ACK

D:7:28 AM:9910893 -> Socket 80 -> c0a80125ip:51150 State eSYN_RECEIVED->eSYN_FIRST

D:7:28 AM:9910895 -> Socket 80 -> c0a80125ip:51150 State eSYN_FIRST->eSYN_RECEIVED

D:7:28 AM:9912929 -> Killing stuck session 0

D:7:28 AM:9912930 -> Lost: Socket 80 now has 2 / 3 children

D:7:28 AM:9912930 -> FreeRTOS_closesocket[80 to c0a80125ip:51148]: buffers 44 socks 3

D:7:28 AM:9912931 -> Closed Socket 1

D:7:28 AM:9912931 -> Killing stuck session 1

D:7:28 AM:9912931 -> Lost: Socket 80 now has 1 / 3 child

D:7:28 AM:9912932 -> FreeRTOS_closesocket[80 to c0a80125ip:51149]: buffers 44 socks 2

D:7:28 AM:9912932 -> Closed Socket 2

D:7:28 AM:9912932 -> Killing stuck session 2

D:7:28 AM:9912932 -> Lost: Socket 80 now has 0 / 3 children

D:7:28 AM:9912933 -> FreeRTOS_closesocket[80 to c0a80125ip:51150]: buffers 44 socks 1

D:7:28 AM:9912933 -> Closed Socket 3

Have you seen this issue before?

Are there any config settings that may be causing the issue.

Thanks in advance for any comments.


heinbali01 wrote on Tuesday, August 09, 2016:

You’re too quick.

I’m just ready testing your earlier source code and now you’re posting +TCP logging.

Please find attached a simple TCP server that uses Select(). I tested it on real hardware.

What hardware platform are you using now, still a NXP K64?

About the logging: did you also have a PCAP file from Wireshark, not only a print-screen?

Chrome does not like the connections

It seems to me that Chrome doesn’t receive any response at all, for some reason there is a one-way traffic. Strange though that Wireshark doesn see +TCP responses (SYN+ACK)

/* Standard includes. */
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>

/* FreeRTOS includes. */
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "task.h"
#include "semphr.h"

/* FreeRTOS+TCP includes. */
#include "FreeRTOS_IP.h"
#include "FreeRTOS_Sockets.h"

#if( USE_WIFI_SERVER != 0 )

static unsigned short ListenPort = 8008;

static Socket_t xListenSocket;

#define	PRIORITY_HTTP_TASK						3

extern void clearWDT (void); /* Should be called by each process */

#define MAX_SESSIONS		4
#define WS_HEADER			1

typedef struct xSesssion 
	Socket_t S;
} Sesssion_t;

 #define WF_DataWasSentLookForComplete		1

static TaskHandle_t pxHTTPTask;

static char pcBuffer[ 256 + 1 ];

static Sesssion_t xSessions[ MAX_SESSIONS ];
static SocketSet_t  xSocketSet;

void AcceptConnection()
struct freertos_sockaddr xAddress;
socklen_t xAddressLength = ( socklen_t ) sizeof( xAddress );
BaseType_t xSessionNr;

	Socket_t xSocket = FreeRTOS_accept( xListenSocket, &xAddress, &xAddressLength  );

	FreeRTOS_printf( ( "FreeRTOS_accept returns %p\n", xSocket ) );
	if( xSocket != NULL )
	UBaseType_t xReceiveTimeOut = 0ul;

		/* The call to FreeRTOS_recv() will be non-blocking. */
		FreeRTOS_setsockopt( xSocket, 0, FREERTOS_SO_RCVTIMEO, &xReceiveTimeOut, sizeof( xReceiveTimeOut ) );       
		for( xSessionNr = 0; xSessionNr < MAX_SESSIONS; xSessionNr++ )
			if( xSessions[xSessionNr].S == FREERTOS_INVALID_SOCKET )
				memset( xSessions + xSessionNr, 0, sizeof xSessions[ xSessionNr ] );
				xSessions[xSessionNr].S = xSocket;
				FreeRTOS_FD_SET( xSocket, xSocketSet, eSELECT_READ | eSELECT_EXCEPT );

void http_server( void *pvParameters )
UBaseType_t xReceiveTimeOut = pdMS_TO_TICKS( 5000ul );
BaseType_t xResult, xSessionNr;
struct freertos_sockaddr server_addr;
UBaseType_t TimeoutActive = pdFALSE;

	/* loop through list of open sessions looking for work */
	for(xSessionNr = 0; xSessionNr < MAX_SESSIONS; xSessionNr++)
		xSessions[xSessionNr].S = FREERTOS_INVALID_SOCKET;


            /* Create a TCP socket. */
        if( xListenSocket != FREERTOS_INVALID_SOCKET )
        vTaskDelay( pdMS_TO_TICKS( 100 ) );

 /* Set a time out so accept() will just wait for a connection. */
    FreeRTOS_setsockopt( xListenSocket,
                         sizeof( xReceiveTimeOut ) );       

    memset(&server_addr, '\0', sizeof(server_addr));      
    server_addr.sin_port = FreeRTOS_htons( ListenPort );
    server_addr.sin_addr = FreeRTOS_GetIPAddress(); // Single NIC, currently not used

    // Bind the address to the socket. 
    if( FreeRTOS_bind( xListenSocket, &server_addr, sizeof( server_addr ) ) == -1 )
        FreeRTOS_closesocket( xListenSocket );
        xListenSocket = FREERTOS_INVALID_SOCKET;
        goto TryAgain;

    FreeRTOS_printf( ("Socket created and Bind.\n" ) );

        xSocketSet = FreeRTOS_CreateSocketSet();
        if( xSocketSet )

        vTaskDelay( pdMS_TO_TICKS( 100 ) );

    //Listen to incoming connections
    xResult = FreeRTOS_listen( xListenSocket , MAX_SESSIONS );

    // add listen to socket set 
    FreeRTOS_FD_SET( xListenSocket, xSocketSet, eSELECT_READ );

    //Accept and incoming connection
    FreeRTOS_printf( ("Waiting for incoming connections... (xResult = %ld)\n", xResult ) );

		clearWDT ();

        /* See if any of the sockets have input or ready to send */
		/* Wait at most 10 seconds. */
        xResult = FreeRTOS_select( xSocketSet, ( pdMS_TO_TICKS( 10000 ) ) );    // Blocks until activity

        if(xResult < 0)
		static BaseType_t xLastError;

			if( xLastError != xResult )
				xLastError = xResult;
				FreeRTOS_printf( ("Select returns %ld\n", xResult ) );
        else if( xResult > 0 )
			FreeRTOS_printf( ("Select returns %ld\n", xResult ) );
            // check if new read on listen
            if( ( FreeRTOS_FD_ISSET( xListenSocket, xSocketSet ) & eSELECT_READ ) != 0 )  // read on listen means new connection waiting

		/* Work on the socket list. */
		for( xSessionNr = 0; xSessionNr < MAX_SESSIONS; xSessionNr++ )
		Socket_t xSocket = xSessions[ xSessionNr ].S;

			BaseType_t xLength;

				xLength = FreeRTOS_recv( xSocket, pcBuffer, sizeof( pcBuffer ) - 1, 0L );

				if( xLength < 0 )
					if( xLength != -pdFREERTOS_ERRNO_EAGAIN )
						FreeRTOS_printf( ("Connection lost, socket will be closed.\n" ) );
						FreeRTOS_FD_CLR( xSocket, xSocketSet, eSELECT_ALL );
						FreeRTOS_closesocket( xSocket );
						/* Mark as free. */
						xSessions[ xSessionNr ].S = FREERTOS_INVALID_SOCKET;
				else if( xLength > 0 )
					FreeRTOS_send( xSocket, pcBuffer, xLength, 0 );

void http_server_install()
	if( pxHTTPTask == NULL )
		/* Call this function once to start the test with FreeRTOS_accept(). */
		xTaskCreate( http_server, "http_server", STACK_SIZE_HTTP_TASK, NULL, PRIORITY_HTTP_TASK, &pxHTTPTask );


#endif /* USE_WIFI_SERVER != 0 */

joehinkle wrote on Tuesday, August 09, 2016:

Yes I have a pcap file.

joehinkle wrote on Tuesday, August 09, 2016:

I resolved the other issue We spoke about – see that post.

In your example server above – what does function clearWDT (); do?

It is missing from the code?


joehinkle wrote on Tuesday, August 09, 2016:

I’ve implemented you server above.

Same connection issue.

I have include pcap files for execution on Chrome and IE.

Any IP config setting that could be related?

I wrote the EMAC - driver. Any potential issue I caused there? The driver was running in another port – no issue.

Here is a debug dump from YOUR web server. If you look at the pcap file, I still see a lot of re-transmissions.

Do you see any behavior difference in my server and yours?

The two Test_WS files are YOUR web server.

Web Browser is



Debug dump YOUR Server

D:9:47 AM:18280267 -> Gain: Socket 8008 now has 1 / 4 child

D:9:47 AM:18280267 -> prvSocketSetMSS: 1460 bytes for c0a80125ip:52610

D:9:47 AM:18280268 -> Socket 8008 -> c0a80125ip:52610 State eCLOSED->eSYN_FIRST

D:9:47 AM:18280268 -> Socket 8008 -> c0a80125ip:52610 State eSYN_FIRST->eSYN_RECEIVED

D:9:47 AM:18283269 -> eSYN_RECEIVED: ACK expected, not SYN: peer missed our SYN+ACK

D:9:47 AM:18283270 -> Socket 8008 -> c0a80125ip:52610 State eSYN_RECEIVED->eSYN_FIRST

D:9:47 AM:18283270 -> Socket 8008 -> c0a80125ip:52610 State eSYN_FIRST->eSYN_RECEIVED

S:9:48 AM:18285955 -> Select returns 1

S:9:48 AM:18285955 -> FreeRTOS_accept returns 2000fda8

D:9:48 AM:18289264 -> eSYN_RECEIVED: ACK expected, not SYN: peer missed our SYN+ACK

D:9:48 AM:18289264 -> Socket 8008 -> c0a80125ip:52610 State eSYN_RECEIVED->eSYN_FIRST

D:9:48 AM:18289264 -> Socket 8008 -> c0a80125ip:52610 State eSYN_FIRST->eSYN_RECEIVED

D:9:48 AM:18301266 -> Gain: Socket 8008 now has 2 / 4 children

D:9:48 AM:18301267 -> prvSocketSetMSS: 1460 bytes for c0a80125ip:52612

D:9:48 AM:18301267 -> Socket 8008 -> c0a80125ip:52612 State eCLOSED->eSYN_FIRST

D:9:48 AM:18301267 -> Socket 8008 -> c0a80125ip:52612 State eSYN_FIRST->eSYN_RECEIVED

D:9:48 AM:18304266 -> eSYN_RECEIVED: ACK expected, not SYN: peer missed our SYN+ACK

D:9:48 AM:18304266 -> Socket 8008 -> c0a80125ip:52612 State eSYN_RECEIVED->eSYN_FIRST

D:9:48 AM:18304266 -> Socket 8008 -> c0a80125ip:52612 State eSYN_FIRST->eSYN_RECEIVED

S:9:48 AM:18305955 -> Select returns 1

S:9:48 AM:18305955 -> FreeRTOS_accept returns 20010f68

D:9:48 AM:18310266 -> eSYN_RECEIVED: ACK expected, not SYN: peer missed our SYN+ACK

D:9:48 AM:18310267 -> Socket 8008 -> c0a80125ip:52612 State eSYN_RECEIVED->eSYN_FIRST

D:9:48 AM:18310267 -> Socket 8008 -> c0a80125ip:52612 State eSYN_FIRST->eSYN_RECEIVED

joehinkle wrote on Tuesday, August 09, 2016:

Missed your question.

Yes – still same NXP Kinetis K64 (Use to be FreeScale)


joehinkle wrote on Tuesday, August 09, 2016:


It just occurred to me, you might think this is about the Listening / Select issue I post about over the weekend.

It’s NOT. I resolved that issue – I believe you folks have a CONFIG option issue that needs looking into.

This is a Connection issue AFTER the listening has accepted the connection.


heinbali01 wrote on Tuesday, August 09, 2016:

Hi Joe,

clearWDT ()

Sorry I left that in, it’s my Watch Dog Timer, every task must call it regularly.

Your last logging shows the same: the client doesn’t seem to receive any TCP packets.

Yes I have a pcap file.

I still don’t the PCAP file attached?

Normally when users are developing a EMAC / +TCP driver, they get in touch with us directly. This shortens the development time and it decreases frustrations. I already invited you to contact us :slight_smile: You can reach me as h point tibosch at freertos point org.

There is already a port for K63F, but I’m not sure if that would help you?

I’ve just posted a working example of the use of FreeRTOS_select() in this thread. I tested it with :

#define ipconfigTCP_HANG_PROTECTION        1

Have you tried it already?

There is no known issue (yet) with the hang protection. It is normally used along with ipconfigTCP_KEEP_ALIVE, which causes ALIVE messages to be exchanged.

Have you already tried the example HTTP server?


it also uses FreeRTOS_select() and I it is often used along with ipconfigTCP_HANG_PROTECTION.

Regards, Hein

heinbali01 wrote on Tuesday, August 09, 2016:

Our posts keep on crossing each other…

I’ll attach a PCAP of the communication that I just saw. It is sending three times “Hello world” to the server and disconnect.

The logging shows this:

    70.379 [10]: Select returns 1
    70.380 [10]: FreeRTOS_accept returns d0233ec8
    71.854 [10]: Select returns 1
    72.894 [10]: Select returns 1
    73.917 [10]: Select returns 1
    75.015 [10]: Select returns 4
    75.015 [10]: Connection lost, socket will be closed.


joehinkle wrote on Wednesday, August 10, 2016:


Issue is resolved.

Stack GREAT!!.
User had issue.

I was too knowledable about stack and driver design that I read more into the porting requirements than what +TCP wanted.

I am using buffer_allocation_1 which uses statically defined network buffers.

When I designed the driver’s transmit function I assumed the return indicated if the networkbuffer was actually transmitted.

If I did not have an empty xmit buffer slot, I returned FALSE back to the stack and DID NOT release the buffer. The stack thought the buffer was released and reused it, which happened to be a TCP reply to a client with the wrong port number. My client did NOT receive a proper connection SYN+ACK to the required port … so it bailed.

Hein was extreemly helpful in resolving the issue which was with my transmit driver. I now spin until the message can be transmitted and always release EVERY buffer … transmitted or not.

Great help from Hein at FreeRTOS.
