FreeRTOs with "error.h" ...

debugasm wrote on Wednesday, November 29, 2017:


I use FreeRTOs v9.0.0 with Lwip v1.4.1 and socket thread uses “error.h” with error variable to get fault connection, timeout, ecc.

The question:

(1) The “error” variable is FreeRTOs Thread safe or reentrant ?

(2) How check if “error” is visible only for thread and not overwritten by other threads ?

Thanks very much.


rtel wrote on Wednesday, November 29, 2017:

Sorry, don’t know, that is part of lwiP not FreeRTOS.

debugasm wrote on Thursday, November 30, 2017:


Sorry, don’t know, that is part of lwiP not FreeRTOS.

You are right, but FreeRTOs is also used with “libc” that provides “errno”, perhaps one possibility is to modify the “get_errno” and “set_errno” routines to write the error in a task variable using “configNUM_THREAD_LOCAL_STORAGE_POINTERS”.

I can try to implement it.



heinbali01 wrote on Thursday, November 30, 2017:

That’s indeed the way to go.

When defining configNUM_THREAD_LOCAL_STORAGE_POINTERS, a number of objects can be stored in the task’s context.

This object has the size of a pointer, but it does not have to be a pointer. An integer may be casted and stored as a pointer.

The FreeRTOS+FAT library already uses 3 of these storage pointers, one of the to stored the last errno seen. Another pointer stores the CWD (current working directory).

Here are the two access functions:

/* The errno is stored in a thread local buffer. */
static portINLINE void stdioSET_ERRNO( int iErrno )
	vTaskSetThreadLocalStoragePointer( NULL, ffconfigCWD_THREAD_LOCAL_INDEX, ( void * ) ( iErrno ) );

static portINLINE int stdioGET_ERRNO( void )
void *pvResult;

	pvResult = pvTaskGetThreadLocalStoragePointer( ( TaskHandle_t )NULL, ffconfigCWD_THREAD_LOCAL_INDEX );
	return ( int ) pvResult;

I know that in some environments errno has an instance per thread in some magic way, but I don’t think that it will work together with FreeRTOS.


debugasm wrote on Thursday, November 30, 2017:


I know that in some environments errno has an instance per thread in some magic way, but I
don’t think that it will work together with FreeRTOS.

The Lwip have a routine to set “errno”, I just need to modify this function to use FreeRTOs. It should not be difficult.

Thanks very much.


heinbali01 wrote on Thursday, November 30, 2017:

Not everyone appreciates C++, but you could make a nice little class for errno.

class CErrno {
    operator int()
    void *pvResult;

        pvResult = pvTaskGetThreadLocalStoragePointer( ( TaskHandle_t )NULL, ffconfigCWD_THREAD_LOCAL_INDEX );
        return ( int ) pvResult;
    int operator =(int aValue)
        vTaskSetThreadLocalStoragePointer( NULL, ffconfigCWD_THREAD_LOCAL_INDEX, ( void * ) ( aValue ) );
        return aValue;

CErrno myErrno;

Now the same instance of myErrno can be used by any task:

    myErrno = 0;
    /* call function */
    if( myErrno == 2 )

thomask wrote on Saturday, December 02, 2017:

Hein Tibosch wrote:

I know that in some environments errno has an instance per thread in some magic way,
but I don’t think that it will work together with FreeRTOS.

debugasm wrote:

The Lwip have a routine to set “errno”, I just need to modify this function to use FreeRTOs.

If you are using newlib, you only have to set


in your FreeRTOSConfig.h

In newlib,“errno” and other global variables like “stdout” are defined as macros and will actually point to a task local reent structure. On single core systems, there’s just a pointer called “_impure_ptr” that is updated by FreeRTOS on task switch (see task.c).

heinbali01 wrote on Sunday, December 03, 2017:

If you are using newlib, you only have to set
in your FreeRTOSConfig.h

Oops, yes, I had seen it but as I rarely use newlib, I forgot about it.

Thanks for this explanation.

debugasm wrote on Monday, December 04, 2017:

I use Xilinx SDK that use “libc”. I don’t have found a way to compile “newlibc” and use it in this environment. So I was building a new library to be used with FreeRTOs usable even in debugging unlike other libraries.

Why does FreeRTOS team not develop an internal library like “Micrium μc / os-xxx”, which integrates the main libraries and then free themselves from external bookcases ?