FreeRTOS versions inconsistency/discrepancy - how is FreeRTOS versioning supposed to work?

I’ve just been looking to update my local FreeRTOS Kernel libraries, when I noticed the versions I can see are quite inconsistent:

(thankfully, Tags · FreeRTOS/FreeRTOS · GitHub seem to be consistent with Releases · FreeRTOS/FreeRTOS · GitHub)

So, what is the actual latest version: 202406.01 LTS; or V11.1.0 released April 22, 2024; or 202411.00 released November 2024? And what is the ultimate source of truth of what is the latest version?

Is there anyplace where it is documented how is the FreeRTOS versioning scheme supposed to work, in particular for FreeRTOS-Kernel?

Hi @sdbbs
The latest version of FreeRTOS-Kernel is V11.1.0

The latest version of FreeRTOS is v202411.00

The latest version of FreeRTOS-LTS is v202406-01.

These are 3 separate repositories , where FreeRTOS and FreeRTOS-LTS have the FreeRTOS-Kernel submoduled within their repository.

In both the latest releases for FreeRTOS and FreeRTOS-LTS , FreeRTOS-Kernel points to the latest version V11.1.0.

For the latest information, subscribe to GitHub Notifications by watching these repositories

  1. GitHub - FreeRTOS/FreeRTOS-LTS
  2. GitHub - FreeRTOS/FreeRTOS: 'Classic' FreeRTOS distribution. Started as Git clone of FreeRTOS SourceForge SVN repo. Submodules the kernel.
  3. GitHub - FreeRTOS/FreeRTOS-Kernel: FreeRTOS kernel files only, submoduled into and various other repos.

The changelog of each release would be the documentation necessary for you to check the required version of the libraries its pointing to.

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Many thanks @karahulx,

These are 3 separate repositories , where FreeRTOS and FreeRTOS-LTS have the FreeRTOS-Kernel submoduled within their repository.

Ah, I think this is what ended up confusing me most - the wording FreeRTOS-LTS itself implied to me that as a release, it was derived from the FreeRTOS repository; did not think it would have been a separate repo.