FreeRTOS v10 for LPC15xx


I’m developping a with a LPC1500 due to it’s many SCT-timers! I also would like to use the latest version of FreeRTOS on it. The ‘supported devices’ list says it is supported but I think this is a mistake.

Can the LPC1700 be used instead for the LPC1500 (both Cortex-M3), perhaps with minor updates? Or is the LPC1500 port available afterall?


FreeRTOS runs on any Cortex-M0, M0+, M3, M4 or M7 that has sufficient RAM - although it only has a pre-configured demo for a subset. If you are using MCUXpresso you may even find that tool will be able to create a FreeRTOS project for you. See the text starting “These demos can be” under NXP on this link for further links that will assist you: