gstenos wrote on Tuesday, May 24, 2016:
I was having an issue where one of my timers was never hitting its TimerCallBack function. I made that task the highest priority that the timer was tied to, still nothing would work. Even though it had the highest priority, it would not execute. I changed all timer values to make sure none would ever be released at the same time, the timer would still never hit its TimerCallBack function.
I verified with xTimerIsTimerActive that the timer was never active, it was being created exactly the same as all the other timers save its name and interval, I would check it with configAssert just like all the other timers, no errors or anything that seemed out of place.
timer_a = xTimerCreate((const signed char * const) “TIMER_A”,100/portTICK_RATE_MS,pdTRUE,NULL,TA_TimerCallback);
The main difference is that it is the last timer to be started. Out of curiosity and to make sure I covered all angles, I put it as the first timer to be started, and as luck would have it, it was working all of a sudden. However, now the other timer that is started last does not work, does not matter which timer it is, the last timer is never started.
xTimerStart(timer_a, 0);
xTimerStart(timer_b, 0);
xTimerStart(timer_c, 0);
xTimerStart(timer_d, 0);
xTimerStart(timer_e, 0);
xTimerStart(timer_f, 0); <----Will never be active once the scheduler starts
I have 6 timers in total in this project, all 6 have their own TimerCallBack functions.I’ve also had all timers use the same TimerCallBack function.
I know I do not have too many timers or else I would receive an error message regarding memory issues. This is the first time I’ve had more than 5 timers running, the error has not appeared before. Is there by chance a crucial step I am missing that would make the last timer not activate properly?