FreeRTOS+Trace (Tracealyzer) and FreeRTOS+TCP

cvanbrederode wrote on Monday, November 18, 2019:

I just got FreeRTOS+Trace up and running on a project using FreeRTOS+TCP. (We’re trying to track down IP-Task hangs). But I noticed that none of the events in IPTraceMacroDefaults.h are being picked up by Tracealyzer.

Does Percepio not support the FreeRTOS+TCP traces out of the box? And if so, has someone implemented it somewhere?

rtel wrote on Monday, November 18, 2019:

Not that I’m aware of.

There is a way actually… The Tracealyzer recorder library allows for adding “extensions” to allow for tracing of any API function, with minimal code changes.

There is an example for the Secure Sockets API (in the AWS libraries) that should be easy to modify for this purpose.

See Percepio Application Note PA-027 at

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