I’m trying to setup a FreeRTOS plus TCP at an NXP LPCxxxx platform.
Therefore I started with the FreeRTOS UDP example for the LPC1830.
It worked quiet good with also strong UDP traffic.
Then I tried to add on the actual FreeRTOS + TCP version 160919.
But I can’t get it realy to run.
There are many name changes and new #defines
Also the “experimental TCP Windows Protocol” don’t work or seames not stable.
When I tried to disable with ipconfigUSE_TCP_WIN = 0 I got a lot of compiler erros.
Now my exact questions:
Did someone know and solved these problems?
Where can I download an older version like 160908 to trie these ???
Where can I download an older version like 160908 to try these ???
I’m sorry but we do not store older /Labs releases publicly, because we want to stimulate people to use the latest stable release.
160908 was quickly superseded by 160919 because some problem got solved.
There are many name changes and new #defines
Not so many I think:
/* See include/FreeRTOSIPConfigDefaults.h */
#ifdef ipconfigTCP_RX_BUF_LEN
#error ipconfigTCP_RX_BUF_LEN is now called ipconfigTCP_RX_BUFFER_LENGTH
#ifdef ipconfigTCP_TX_BUF_LEN
#error ipconfigTCP_TX_BUF_LEN is now called ipconfigTCP_TX_BUFFER_LENGTH
#ifdef ipconfigDHCP_USES_USER_HOOK
#error ipconfigDHCP_USES_USER_HOOK and its associated callback have been superseded -
see http://www.FreeRTOS.org/FreeRTOS-Plus/FreeRTOS_Plus_TCP/TCP_IP_Configuration.html#ipconfigUSE_DHCP_HOOK
The changes to the DHCP user-hook were the biggest name-change. We changed it to make it more “in style” with the other FreeRTOS code. Sorry about the inconvenience
Also the “experimental TCP Windows Protocol” don’t work or seems not stable.
When I tried to disable with ipconfigUSE_TCP_WIN = 0 I got a lot of compiler errors.
You are possibly referring to this feature:
+ Experimental implementation of the TCP window scaling protocol. The
scaling option will always be offered, at least with a factor 1. If the
TCP sliding window size becomes more than 64KB, the factor will increase
We have seen it working properly in all ports that we use for testing.
It has nothing to do with ipconfigUSE_TCP_WIN. That define enables or disables the sliding window feature.
But I can’t get it really to run
Like Richard, I’m afraid this phrase does not provide enough information.
Can’t you get it to run or can’t you get it to compile?