FreeRTOS+TCP license

sgjesse wrote on Thursday, June 02, 2016:

On the FreeRTOS+TCP license page it says:

FreeRTOS+TCP can be used under the terms of the FreeRTOS Open Source License when it is used on the following microcontroller or processor families.

Atmel SAM family
Xilinx Zynq
ST STM32 family
More soon!

What is the reason for limiting the microcontroller families for which FreeRTOS+TCP can be used under the FreeRTOS Open Source License, and not GPL? What is the process for getting more microcontroller families on the list (the More soon! part)?


rtel wrote on Thursday, June 02, 2016:

It’s a matter of time - things are very busy at the moment.

jordiblasi wrote on Wednesday, July 06, 2016:

Just for my understanding, Intel Galileo Gen2 cannot be connected to the network with FreeRTOS+TCP? Or it is just a Licensing and support matter?



rtel wrote on Wednesday, July 06, 2016:

FreeRTOS+TCP can be used on any hardware - if you write a driver for the
Galileo then you can use FreeRTOS+TCP under its default GPL license
rather than the FreeRTOS open source license.