FreeRTOS+TCP How do I reconnect?


I am using EK-RA6M3 to test TCPIP communication with FreeRTOS + TCP.
The following functions are executed repeatedly.

If the client disconnects during FreeRTOS_recv(), it jumps to prvTaskExitError().

If I stop debugging and run it again, I cannot connect with FreeRTOS_accept().
When I stop debugging and then run it again, I cannot connect with FreeRTOS_accept().
I cannot connect even when I power cycle the board, but I can connect by restarting the PC.

Please let me know if you know the correct procedure for stopping.

Thank you in advance.


Which version of FreeRTOS+TCP are you using?

Please let me know if you know the correct procedure for stopping.

After calling FreeRTOS_shutdown(), are you making sure that shutdown is completed by calling FreeRTOS_recv to see if it returns -pdFREERTOS_ERRNO_EINVAL.

You can take a look at this sample usage here in the FreeRTOS_Plus_TCP_Minimal_Windows_Simulator - SimpleTCPEchoServer.c.

Thank you for reply.

I can’t call FreeRTOS_shutdown() because it jumps to prvTaskExitError().

If I turn off the power without doing shutdown, what should I do the next time I turn it on?

Which version of FreeRTOS+TCP are you using?

thank you

If the client disconnects during FreeRTOS_recv(), return value is -pbFREERTOS_ERRNO_ENOTCONN.

Please tell me how to avoid jumping to prvTaskExitError().

Can you try updating the FreeRTOS+TCP version to v4.2.0 and check.

I understand.I will try.

”If the client disconnects during FreeRTOS_recv(), return value is -pbFREERTOS_ERRNO_ENOTCONN.”
Can you tell me if this is correct?

thank you

The reason of jumping to prvTaskExitError is because you cannot exit from a task. If you are done with the task you are supposed to call vTaskDelete. See this call in the example @tony-josi-aws has shared - FreeRTOS/FreeRTOS-Plus/Demo/FreeRTOS_Plus_TCP_Minimal_Windows_Simulator/DemoTasks/SimpleTCPEchoServer.c at main · FreeRTOS/FreeRTOS · GitHub.

Thank you for reply.

Program does not proceed to vTaskDelete().

I was able to confirm up to FreeRTOS_recv() return “lBytes = -128”.
If I then step, it jumps to prvTaskExitError().

How can I call vTaskDelete()?

thank you

I updated to FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP v4.2.0.

When I build I get over 50 errors.

It will take some time to check the operation.

Thank you.

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I updated to FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP v4.2.0.

When I build I get over 50 errors.

It will take some time to check the operation.

Thank you.


Yes, pdFREERTOS_ERRNO_ENOTCONN is returned if either the connection has been closed or in the process of closing, ie, waiting for a connection termination request or waiting for a connection termination request acknowledgement from the remote TCP.


I am getting the following message and cannot post, so I am replying to your email.

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Now you should be able to reply here. The site is not in read only mode anymore.

Thank you for your reply.
I understand.

If the return value is correct, I want to call FreeRTOS_shutdown() without jumping to prvTaskExitError().

Thank you.

As I mentioned before, take a look at this example - FreeRTOS/FreeRTOS-Plus/Demo/FreeRTOS_Plus_TCP_Minimal_Windows_Simulator/DemoTasks/SimpleTCPEchoServer.c at main · FreeRTOS/FreeRTOS · GitHub.

Can you share your complete task code?

I am getting the following message and cannot post, so I am replying to your email.

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Thank you for reply.

Program does not proceed to vTaskDelete().

I was able to confirm up to FreeRTOS_recv() return “lBytes = -128”.
If I then step, it jumps to prvTaskExitError().

How can I call vTaskDelete()?

thank you

I upload my code.

new_thread0_entry.c (6.3 KB)

Sorry to bother you, but please check my code.

thank you

When you create a task, you supply the task function and that function needs to be:

  1. Either an infinite loop that never exits.
  2. Or needs to call vTaskDelete at some point.

Example for 1:

void TaskFunction( void * params )
    ( void ) params;

    for( ;; )
        /* Perform task functions. */

        /* Delay for a second. */
        vTaskDelay( pdMS_TO_TICKS( 1000 ) );

Example for 2:

void TaskFunction( void * params )
    ( void ) params;

    /* Perform task functions. */

    /* Delete the task as we no longer need it. */
    vTaskDelete( NULL );

One of the break statements in your code causes it to exit the task function which is the cause of the error. Here is the updated code - new_thread0_entry.c (5.9 KB). Hope that helps.

Thanks for reply.

I confirmed that the code you provided works.

Thank you very much.