freeRTOS ram occupation

fabtor wrote on Wednesday, November 29, 2006:


I need to know what is the amount of ram used by freeRTOS during its execution.

There are any function that solves my problem?

I’m using Rowley CrossStudio with GCC.



nobody wrote on Wednesday, November 29, 2006:

The kernel uses very little.  You can see how much by inspecting the map file of your build.

The tasks use RAM for the heap and TCB.  Take a look at the FAQ here:

I cannot say if there are any functions to solve your problem as you do not say what your problem is?

fabtor wrote on Wednesday, November 29, 2006:


My problem is to know the amount of RAM used by my freeRTOS application,

after than i flash it into the ROM and launch it.


nobody wrote on Saturday, December 09, 2006:

if you can debug you application you can look for during xNextFreeByte the executing the task