FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP for GD32F4xx

Hello everyone,

I want to use FreeRTOS+TCP on GD32F4xx (GigaDevice MCU). GD32F4xx is not a complete clone of STM32. It also does not have a HAL library, and uses the standard peripheral library. Therefore, it is difficult to port the code from STM32 porable source files.

Has anyone had any successful experience with a fully featured FreeRTOS+TCP port on the GD32F4xx?

Thank you and best regards.

Hi Artisan,

Thank you for your interesting in FreeRTOS+TCP. I don’t find any existing FreeRTOS+TCP port for GD32Fxx. If you are interested in implementing the GD32F4xx port, you can reference this porting document.

I have developed a +TCP network for STM32F4 that uses the standard peripheral library.

If you want to have a look at it, please send a note to my em ail:

hein [at] htibosch [dot] net

EDIT In the original version I wrote a wrong em ail address, now updated.


As the originator mentioned, the GD32F4 is not similar to the STM32F.

I have created two repositories :

Currently these are empty. The GD32F407RE repository should be perfect for any GD32F4xx MCU.

I hope to find time soon for working on these repo’s.

Meanwhile, you can check for the Ethernet implementation.

Thanks, Arjan