FreeRTOS plus TCP DHCP problem

liammc wrote on Wednesday, March 06, 2019:


I’ve been adding FreeRTOS + TCP to my FreeRTOS project. I was able to get everything working in a test environment using a laptop as a DHCP server. I was able to run an FTP server and I tested a UDP connection. I am now trying to connect to a larger university network and I am not getting any reply when I send a DHCP discover message. I’m not sure what the difference could be, I cannot access any network traces as I don’t have access.
Another note about my setup. When debugging initially, I found I needed to set ipconfigPACKET_FILLER_SIZE to 0 in order to read the correct IP address.
Other then that everything is from the example: FreeRTOS_Plus_TCP_and_FAT_ATSAME4E

More details:
Using a SAME70 Xplained board
Using FreeRTOS Kernel V10.0.0
Using FreeRTOS+TCP Labs Build 160919

I’m using a unique MAC address from an on board chip so I don’t think the MAC address is the problem.

Any suggestions what I could do to get this running would be greatly appreciated.
I’m happy to provide more detail if needed.


alager12345 wrote on Thursday, March 07, 2019:

Check your discover packet, is the UDP checksum present? I found that I had to set checksum options to 0 for my LPC17xx port. If there is no checksum, then some ( most? ) DHCP servers will ignore the packet.

/* The checksums will be checked and calculated by the STM32F4x ETH peripheral. */
#define ipconfigDRIVER_INCLUDED_TX_IP_CHECKSUM		( 0 )
#define ipconfigDRIVER_INCLUDED_RX_IP_CHECKSUM		( 0 )

liammc wrote on Friday, March 08, 2019:

Thanks for the suggestion! I did initially have a problem with the checksum when testing with DHCP server running on a laptop, that has been fixed now tho. Still not getting any DHCP reply when connecting to the university network. Any other suggestions?

heinbali01 wrote on Saturday, March 09, 2019:

Is everyone allowed to connect to that network and get a DHCP address?

It would be interesting to see a DHCP conversation that is successful and compare it with the embedded request.

On AWS/FreeRTOS Github, you’ll find an easy-to-use demo project under pc. If you are able to run that on the campus, you can see with WireShark the DHCP conversation.

liammc wrote on Monday, March 11, 2019:

Yes everyone is allowed to connect to the network and get a DHCP address.

I was able to run that demo project. There was still no response. I have attached two captures with the different requests. It looks like there are some different options.

heinbali01 wrote on Tuesday, March 12, 2019:

The only surprising thing that I see is the padding byte in the end, in FreeRTOS_xxx.pcapng
It has a ( random ) value of 0x38, where I would expect 0x00.

The driver sends one byte too many, please change the following line in FreeRTOS_dhcp.c :

-    if( FreeRTOS_sendto( xDHCPData.xDHCPSocket, pucUDPPayloadBuffer, ( sizeof( DHCPMessage_t ) + xOptionsLength ), FREERTOS_ZERO_COPY, &xAddress, sizeof( xAddress ) ) == 0 )
+    if( FreeRTOS_sendto( xDHCPData.xDHCPSocket, pucUDPPayloadBuffer, ( sizeof( DHCPMessage_t ) + xOptionsLength - 1 ), FREERTOS_ZERO_COPY, &xAddress, sizeof( xAddress ) ) == 0 )

This line occurs two times, in prvSendDHCPRequest(), and in prvSendDHCPDiscover(). Please change them both.

The driver sends 1 byte too many because the first option byte is counted twice: both in the struct DHCPMessage_t, as well as in the const arrays ( ucDHCPRequestOptions and ucDHCPDiscoverOptions ).

Beside the above, when you use a fixed IP-address, can you communicate to other devices / laptops?

heinbali01 wrote on Tuesday, March 12, 2019:

I turned the above change into a pull-request on github, because I believe that the length of the packet is 1 byte too long.
I am not sure if this solves you problem, I hope so.

liammc wrote on Tuesday, March 12, 2019:

That did remove the last (random) byte, now there is no padding.
I have since contacted the administrators for the network and it was rejecting the mac address. I have this figured out now and can get a DHCP IP address.
Thanks for your help Hein, it’s much appreciated!


heinbali01 wrote on Tuesday, March 12, 2019:

I have since contacted the administrators for the
network and it was rejecting the mac address

I am always curious to learn: what was the reason that a DHCP server would reject some MAC address?

Thanks for your help Hein, it’s much appreciated!

You’re welcome, that is what the forum is for :slight_smile:

liammc wrote on Tuesday, March 12, 2019:

They didn’t give me a reason the MAC address was being rejected. I’m not sure what was going on.