freeRTOS MPU on STM32F429

sapanak wrote on Thursday, January 07, 2016:

We have STM32F429 based board. We are using freeRTOS 8.2.2.
Now we would like to enable freeRTOS-MPU.
I have gone through link
Does anyone guide how to do that? or is there any reference sample for the same.

rtel wrote on Wednesday, January 13, 2016:

Sorry for the delay - your post somehow got missed.

There are only a couple of examples for FreeRTOS MPU, and both rather old, but they can still be used as a reference. See the projects in the sub directories of /FreeRTOS/Demo that start “CORTEX_MPU”.

To use the MPU you have to build the files from the MPU port layer, rather than the normal Cortex-M port layer.