FreeRTOS macro?

anonymous wrote on Friday, July 06, 2012:

Is there a single, commonly accepted, macro to test if FreeRTOS is in use? i.e. the equivalent of _WIN32 etc? _FREERTOS is what I’d be after …?


rtel wrote on Friday, July 06, 2012:

Such definitions are set up by the build environment, not by the code.

You can test to see if FreeRTOS headers have been included in a source file, but presumably you can see that anyway.  If headers are included in a source file, but only conditionally (for example, if they are in a #if block), then you would have to test whatever condition the #if is testing.

If you want to know if FreeRTOS has been included in a source file you can test for INC_FREERTOS_H.  If task.h is included, then you also test for tskKERNEL_VERSION_NUMBER.
