FreeRTOS from v5.0.3 to v5.2.0

yyang2000 wrote on Monday, May 18, 2009:


RE: CORTEX_LM3Sxxxx_Keil sample

I wonder if I can migrate my application project from FreeRTOS 5.0.3 to current version 5.2.0.

Q1) Because my project used and modified from demo\CORTEX_LM3SxxxxIAR_Keil sample, do I only need to replace the  demo\Common and Source, TraceCon from v5.0.3 to v5.2.0?

Q2) Also since my project also used web server (uIP), do I have to replace the webserver sub-folder under the CORTEX_LM3SxxxxIAR_Keil?

Bill Yang

davedoors wrote on Tuesday, May 19, 2009:

V5.0.3 already uses the configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY setting so unless you have changed any code yourself you should be able to simply drop the V5.2.0 FreeRTOS\Source directory on top of your project to upgrade.

Take a look at