FreeRTOS+FAT SL: Multiple drivers

hermarcel wrote on Saturday, May 25, 2013:


Is it possible to use multiple hardware drivers with FAT SL? I have a SDmicro-card (SPI) and a USB-flashdrive connected to a PIC32. I need to be able to copy files between these two drives.

If FAT-SL does not support this, is there an embeeded FAT32 filesystem that does?

Thank you!


rtel wrote on Saturday, May 25, 2013:

The SL product, being Super Lean, only supports a single volume, so the simple answer is no, it is not possible.  To have multiple drivers you would probably need either the THIN of high performance sister products, but neither of those are open source so you would need to contact HCC directly to get a quotation.

You may also be able to use the open source Chan FATfs product, which is open source and very popular, but I’m not sure.


hermarcel wrote on Sunday, May 26, 2013:

Chan’s FATfs indeed supports multiple drives.

Thanks! :slight_smile: