FreeRTOS+FAT Access to interal error codes in application

Hello everyone,
I have seen, that ff_stdio.h provides the stdioSET_FF_ERROR() and the appropriate getter-function but they are used nowhere.

Is there an intended way of using those functions to have access to the internal error codes?

I would like to use the API and in case of an error, have access to the error codes in my application.

Thank you.

For the FreeRTOS-Plus-FAT Native API, I set ffconfigDEBUG in FreeRTOSFATConfig.h and then do things like

    FF_Error_t xError = FF_Mount(pxDisk, PARTITION_NUMBER);
    if (FF_isERR(xError) != pdFALSE) {
        FF_PRINTF("FF_Mount: %s (0x%08x)\n", (const char*) FF_GetErrMessage(xError), (unsigned)xError);

For the FreeRTOS-Plus-FAT Standard API, I use stdioGET_ERRNO(); e.g.:

    int iReturned = ff_findfirst(path ? path : "", &xFindStruct);
    if (FF_ERR_NONE != iReturned) {
        FF_PRINTF("ff_findfirst error: %s (%d)\n", strerror(stdioGET_ERRNO()),

I have seen, that ff_stdio.h provides the stdioSET_FF_ERROR() and the appropriate getter-function but they are used nowhere.

The function stdioSET_FF_ERROR() is called in one important occasion: when stdio translates the internal code to an errno: stdioSET_FF_ERROR():

    stdioSET_ERRNO( prvFFErrorToErrno( xError ) );

Your app can retrieve the internal code by calling stdioGET_FF_ERROR(). This only works when one of the stdio functions was called.

This is how you can use stdioGET_FF_ERROR():

    int iReturned = ff_findfirst(path ? path : "", &xFindStruct);
    if( iReturned != 0 ) {
        FF_Error_t xError = stdioGET_FF_ERROR();
        FF_PRINTF( "ff_findfirst error: %s (%d)\n",
                   ( const char * ) FF_GetErrMessage( xError ),
                   ( unsigned ) xError );

A function like FF_FormatDisk() returns the internal code and you can use it for logging.

PS. I also prefer to use the internal error codes because they give more precise information then the errno’s.