FreeRTOS_accept() Timeout


Please tell me about FreeRTOS_accept()

How do I put in my code to make sure that a timeout has occurred?


Hi @taki

FreeRTOS_accept() has an optional timeout option. It could be used by setting receive block time on the listening socket using FreeRTOS_setsockopt with FREERTOS_SO_RCVTIMEO parameter. This will set the maximum time the FreeRTOS_accept function will block while waiting for a connection.

Please find more information here.

Thank you for your reply.

I understand the timeout settings.

Could you please tell me how to determine from the code whether it timed out or connected?

Thank you

See the API docs already posted by @moninom1

Thank you for your reply.

Is the following correct?
If timeout occurs, do not come to the NG side

xConnectedSocket = FreeRTOS_accept( xListeningSocket, &xClient, &xSize );
if(xConnectedSocket != 0){



I don’t know what NG is, but your check of the return value is ok.
In fact it’s the handle of/pointer to the accepted socket or NULL pointer.
Although I’d use NULL in C-code or nullptr in C++ code rather than ‘0’ :wink:

Thank you for your reply.

If return value is ok,
maybe there’s a mistake in my code

I will review the code

Thank you

hi @taki,
These are the return values of FreeRTOS_accept():


If a connection from a remote socket is accepted and a new local socket is created to handle the accepted connection then a handle to the new socket is returned.

If xServerSocket is not a valid TCP socket then then FREERTOS_INVALID_SOCKET is returned.

If xServerSocket is not in the Listening state (see FreeRTOS_listen()) then FREERTOS_INVALID_SOCKET is returned.

If a timeout occurs before a connection from a remote socket is accepted then NULL is returned.

You can refer to the entire documentation at: FreeRTOS_accept