Free RTOS Cellular Library to send REST packets over HTTPS

I am working STM32H745 Dual Core MCU and M7 running with Free RTOS. We have Quectel GPRS Modem (M66) Interfaced to MCU via UART.

  1. I would like have cellular library which connects to internet over PPPoE and send the REST Packets through HTTPS protocol.
  2. Instead of me writing though all the AT commands and send the REST packet. I would like to first use some library to automate the connectivity and then write a wrapper to send the REST messages? is it feasable with any of the cellular library available with FreeRTOS ?

We have this Cellular library to enable use of Cellular modems: GitHub - FreeRTOS/Lab-Project-FreeRTOS-Cellular-Library

Here are some demos using this library: GitHub - FreeRTOS/Lab-Project-FreeRTOS-Cellular-Demo

Please take a look if it suits your needs.
