eclipse linux/win

m_a_d_i_s wrote on Tuesday, February 26, 2008:


Just a general question about eclipse debugger. Does anybody use eclipse simultaneously on linux and win hosts? I have noticed that debugging (using openocd and ftdi based jtag harfware) is somehow much faster on win than linux. Stepping the code takes approx 1…2 sec. per line on linux and is about 10 times faster on win. Does it sound normal to you?

on linux I have eclipse downloaded from eclipse web site and added gdb remote debug just the same way as described under cortex eclipse example (help->software updates etc.)

on win I have yagarto, some version from beginning of the last year or older.


P.s. arm-elf-insight is stepping a bit faster than eclipse under linux but still significantly slower than eclipse under win.
p.p.s linux box is amd64 3000+ running debian stable and win 2.1G Pentium M winxp.

djg wrote on Tuesday, February 26, 2008:

I have the same delay under Linux as you have on a similar machine. I have only run the windows version in vmware under Linux which is just as slow.

m_a_d_i_s wrote on Tuesday, February 26, 2008:


Does anybody have better response from his/her linux box? It sound a bit strange that tools which are ported for win run faster than in native environment…?


pdeflandre wrote on Tuesday, February 26, 2008:

Hello Madis,

I run Eclipse and openOCD on a Debian Etch / GNU linux box.

I have the same problem as you have.
I will be happy if anybody have found a solution for this.

Eclipse version : (Build id: M20071023-1652)
Open On-Chip Debugger : 1.0 (2008-01-24-11:09)

m_a_d_i_s wrote on Friday, March 07, 2008:


I found kind of solution. I switched to kdevelop on linux. Somehow it communicates better with gdb and stepping the code works fine now. Actually I dont know the root couse, kdevelop´s debugger is just stepping faster. I have not find some features yet (like ctrl + click on function searches for definition under eclipse) but otherwise it looks nice.

BR, Madis