I make a port of the freertos for the dsPIC30f6014 from microchip under the MPLAB-C30 compiler.
I tested it on a simple board with the flashing led tasks.
Also, I tried to use the simulator for testing the UART functions with Queue services.
Evrything sames ok. Well mi question is
how to guarented that the port is absolutly ok?
do I need to test evry services function individualy? or can I satisfy with some minimal test?
In other way, is there a general method for testing micro-embedded OS?
Hi - I’m working on the same thing! Well PIC24 anyhow.
The ‘standard’ demo tasks are designed to provide code coverage to test the port behaviour. They actually provide a very good test.
In addition I generally:
+ Create some tasks that (written in assembler) set each register to known values then check they maintain the expected value as a context switch occurs. I let these run in the background during all other tests.
+ Step through various aspects to ensure correct behaviour - for example switching a task in an ISR, then back to the task from task level and visa versa, etc.
+ Perform tests on context switching within critical regions to ensure status registers and interrupt levels remain at their correct value.
+ Etc…Etc…Etc. It actually takes quite a lot of time and in depth understanding of the source code to know where the potential pitfalls are.
I would be interested in seeing your dsPIC code. I hope to have the PIC24 code released in a couple of weeks. I don’t think there is much difference between the dsPIC and PIC24?
Thanks for your files. As you know I have been working on a PIC24 port also. I see that you are saving more registers than my PIC24 version, I presume these are dsPIC specific, but will recheck the data sheet to make sure I am not missing anything.
It is interesting to see the different approach taken. I have written the port using inline assembler where necessary, but all within C files.
One thing - looking at your _vPortYield function. It seems that w0 is modified before it is saved in the context. Is this the case?
Yes as you mentionned it; I wrote a part of the port in assembler because I was fearing that the compiler insert some instructions before saving the context. Also for better performance, a prefer to do the strict minimum things in the switching process since the switch task is usually called and mist be quickly executed for don’t disturbing the tasks.
But it’s clear that C writing is more elegant style and more easy to modifie, and with modern compilers the code generated is near the assembler hand writing.
For informations, I test the port with-out using optimisation options of the compiler
I am a new user of FreeRTOS. I have downloaded it and am trying to compile the demo application. I have the Explorer 16 demo board from Microchip.
When I try to build the dsPIC_MPLAB demo I get the following errors:
main.c:68:22: FreeRTOS.h: No such file or directory
main.c:69:18: task.h: No such file or directory
main.c:70:22: croutine.h: No such file or directory
main.c:73:20: BlockQ.h: No such file or directory
main.c:74:21: crflash.h: No such file or directory
main.c:75:22: blocktim.h: No such file or directory
main.c:76:21: integer.h: No such file or directory
main.c:77:22: comtest2.h: No such file or directory
main.c:78:21: partest.h: No such file or directory
The FreeRTOS.h,task.h, croutine.h are included in the demo project. Where are BlockQ.h,crfalsh.h,blocktim.h,integer.h,comtest2.h and partest.h files located?
Can anyone please paste instructions on how to build the demo project in MPLAB?