Deletion of FreeRTOS timer fails

saadsaeed wrote on Tuesday, September 18, 2018:

I have a question. I am creating 8 timers on certain events. These timers have the same callback function. The problem is that when I delete the 7 every thing works fine. But as soon as I delete the 8 it returns pdFAIL.
What could be the reason. Please explain

saadsaeed wrote on Tuesday, September 18, 2018:

I have timer_handle value but I am nt able to delete the timer. what could be the possible reasons, why timer is not getting deleted.?

saadsaeed wrote on Tuesday, September 18, 2018:

Another strange thing that I have observed is that when I create three timers, sometimes it deletes all the timers and sometimes it deletes only two. Is this has to do something with timer command queue

rtel wrote on Tuesday, September 18, 2018:

Can you please post an example of how you are creating the timers - the minimum amount of source code that exhibits this behaviour. Also, what is the priority of the timer service task relative to other tasks in your application - especially relative to the priority of the task that is creating and deleting the timers.

saadsaeed wrote on Wednesday, September 19, 2018:

The priority of the timer service task is 5. The priority of other tasks is less than the timer service task.
Following is the code to create the timer.

void create_initial_activity_timer(int id)

		// Create a one-shot timer
		TimerHandle_t  one_shot_timer;
		BaseType_t xTimer1Started;
				/* Text name for the software timer - not used by FreeRTOS. */
				/* The software timer's period in ticks. */
				/* Setting uxAutoRealod to pdFALSE creates a one-shot software timer. */
				/* This example does not use the timer id. */
				/* The callback function to be used by the software timer being created. */
		if(one_shot_timer != NULL)
			xTimer1Started=xTimerStart(one_shot_timer, 0 );
			//Start the one shot timer
			if( ( xTimer1Started == pdPASS ))
                    printf("Timer created for id %d",id);



Following is the code, that represents a timer call back function.

static void vTimerCallBackinitial( TimerHandle_t xTimer )
	int id;
	id=(int) pvTimerGetTimerID( xTimer );
		//Timer Deleted successfully

saadsaeed wrote on Wednesday, September 19, 2018:

I changed the configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH from 10 to 50,
It started to work fine.
Is it possible that configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH didnt had the enough space to process xTimerDelete() function call?

richarddamon wrote on Thursday, September 20, 2018:

If some of your timer call back block (or spend a long time) and keep the timer service task from running and draining the queue this could happen, Remember that the timer call backs run under the timer task, so while they are doing their actions, there isn’t anyway to service requests in the queue.