Debug problem

afayek wrote on Sunday, May 05, 2013:

I can’t debug application based on freertos on ti lm3s6965 using gdb and segger J-link.
I am using the linker file come in the demo application (standalone.ld)
the application work in run mode but at debugging it go into wrong address and don’t stop at main.


edwards3 wrote on Sunday, May 05, 2013:

Is this a standard demo. If so which one?

afayek wrote on Tuesday, May 07, 2013:

I used an application based on a modified demo(CORTEX_LM3Sxxxx_Eclipse) to add lwip stack.

rtel wrote on Tuesday, May 07, 2013:

Sorry - I can only directly support code that has originated from Real Time Engineers Ltd.  In this case however it sounds like you have a build setup problem, rather than a FreeRTOS problem.
