Crossworks cortex m7 thread.js

Is there in existence a threads.js tested on the stm32f7 cortex m7 for viewing threads in Rowley Crossworks?

There is a very old threads.js in \FreeRTOS\Demo\ARM7_LPC2138_Rowley but I have no idea if it will meet your needs. If nothing else it may be a starting point for you. Other than that I would suggest asking Rowley directly.

It is somewhat working after some head scratching. Like mentioned before, uxTopUsedPriority is not declared in newer versions so that has to be declared

const int __attribute__((used)) uxTopUsedPriority = configMAX_PRIORITIES - 1;

as well as added to the linker per linker settings

However, it doesn’t appear to be resolving the non executing stacks correctly, I’m getting an 0xA5A5A5A4 on pc(r15) sometimes.

The code to resolved the stack is

function decode_stack(sp)
  var i;
  var a = new Array();

  sp += 4; /* skip stored ulCriticalNesting */

  a[16] = Debug.evaluate("*(unsigned long*)" + sp); 

  for (i = 0; i <= 15; i++)
    sp += 4;
    a[i] = Debug.evaluate("*(unsigned long*)" + sp); 

  return a;

So I assume its some trivial difference between that processor and the cortex m7

To the powers that be on this forum, it doesn’t even have a code format option!?

Note you will have to set configUSE_PORT_OPITMISED_TASK_SELECTION to 0 to use most plug-ins.

Ref code formatting - place code between two lines that only have three back ticks on them, as below:

function decode_stack(sp)
  var i;
  var a = new Array();

  sp += 4; /* skip stored ulCriticalNesting */

  a[16] = Debug.evaluate("*(unsigned long*)" + sp); 

  for (i = 0; i <= 15; i++)
    sp += 4;
    a[i] = Debug.evaluate("*(unsigned long*)" + sp); 

  return a;

Ok, any details why that would be required?

This code seems to work so far, I’m not sure if Floating Point will bork it or not.

function decode_stack(sp)
  var i;
  var a = new Array();
  var raw = new Array();
  a[13] = sp + 68; //R13

  for (i = 0; i <= 17; i++) {
    raw[i] = Debug.evaluate("*(unsigned long*)" + sp);
    sp += 4;
  a[0] = raw[9];  //R0
  a[1] = raw[10]; //R1
  a[2] = raw[11]; //R2
  a[3] = raw[12]; //R3
  a[4] = raw[0];  //R4
  a[5] = raw[1];  //R5
  a[6] = raw[2];  //R6
  a[7] = raw[3];  //R7
  a[8] = raw[4];  //R8
  a[9] = raw[5];  //R9
  a[10] = raw[6]; //R10
  a[11] = raw[7]; //R11
  a[12] = raw[13];//R12

  a[14] = raw[14];//R14
  a[15] = raw[15];//R15
  a[16] = raw[16];//APSR
  return a;

I am adding a beta working threads.js

function decode_stack(sp)
  var i;
  var a = new Array();
  var raw = new Array();
  a[13] = sp + 68; //R13

  for (i = 0; i <= 17; i++) {
    raw[i] = Debug.evaluate("*(unsigned long*)" + sp);
    sp += 4;
  a[0] = raw[9];  //R0
  a[1] = raw[10]; //R1
  a[2] = raw[11]; //R2
  a[3] = raw[12]; //R3
  a[4] = raw[0];  //R4
  a[5] = raw[1];  //R5
  a[6] = raw[2];  //R6
  a[7] = raw[3];  //R7
  a[8] = raw[4];  //R8
  a[9] = raw[5];  //R9
  a[10] = raw[6]; //R10
  a[11] = raw[7]; //R11
  a[12] = raw[13];//R12

  a[14] = raw[14];//R14
  a[15] = raw[15];//R15
  a[16] = raw[16];//APSR
  return a;

function add_task(task, state)
  var tcb, task_name, current_task, regs;

  current_task = Debug.evaluate("pxCurrentTCB");
  tcb = Debug.evaluate("*(tskTCB *)" + task);

  task_name = Debug.evaluate("(char*)&(*(tskTCB *)" + task + ").pcTaskName[0]");
  task_name = "#" + tcb.uxTCBNumber + " \"" + task_name + "\"";

  if (task == current_task)
    state = "executing";
    regs = [];
    regs = decode_stack(tcb.pxTopOfStack);

  Threads.add(task_name, tcb.uxPriority, state, regs);

function add_list(list, state)
  var i, index, item, task;

  if (list && list.uxNumberOfItems>0)
    index = list.xListEnd.pxNext;

    for (i = 0; i < list.uxNumberOfItems; i++)
      item = Debug.evaluate("*(ListItem_t *)" + index);

      task = item ? item.pvOwner : 0;

      if (task)
        add_task(task, state);

      index = item.pxNext;

function update() 
  var i, list, lists, max_priority;


  if( Debug.evaluate("pxCurrentTCB") == 0 )

  max_priority = Debug.evaluate("uxTopUsedPriority");

  for (i = max_priority; i >= 0; i--)
     list = Debug.evaluate("pxReadyTasksLists[" + i + "]");
     add_list(list, "ready");

  list = Debug.evaluate("pxDelayedTaskList");
  if (list)
    list = Debug.evaluate("*(xList *)" + list);
    add_list(list, "blocked");

  list = Debug.evaluate("xDelayedTaskList1");
  if (list) {
    add_list(list, "blocked");

  list = Debug.evaluate("xDelayedTaskList2");
  if (list) {
    add_list(list, "blocked");

  list = Debug.evaluate("pxOverflowDelayedTaskList");
  if (list)
    list = Debug.evaluate("*(xList *)" + list);
    add_list(list, "blocked");

  list = Debug.evaluate("xPendingReadyList");
  if (list) {
    list = Debug.evaluate("*(xList *)" + list);
    add_list(list, "blocked");

  list = Debug.evaluate("xSuspendedTaskList");
  if (list)
    add_list(list, "suspended");
