Corrected portable for Cortex-M0 (LPC11C14)

dnadler wrote on Tuesday, July 12, 2011:

First thanks again Richard for the support !

It appears that crashing I encountered was caused by some
problems in the “portable” components published by NXP.
I’ve corrected sources, merging the M0-specific changes
from NXP into FreeRTOS V7 ARM_M3 distributed files:

Not included, and I’m not sure where this should go:
MSP should be set up to point to a reserved small stack,
just after switching the stack in use to PSP.
Here’s the code I’m using (for now in my main):

  int answer = 46;
  debug_printf("CONTROL register=%08x, stack in use is %s\n",__get_CONTROL(), (__get_CONTROL()&0x2)?"PSP":"MSP");
  debug_printf("Handler mode ALWAYS uses MSP ('Main' stack pointer')\n");
  debug_printf("Thread 'normal' mode is *recommended* to use PSP ('Process' stack pointer),\n");
  debug_printf("...but defaults (on startup) to MSP\n");
  // Set up "process" stack pointer and switch to it
  __set_PSP(__get_MSP()); // copy current stack pointer value into PSP
  __set_CONTROL(0x00000002); // switch to "process" stack pointer PSP
  debug_printf("After stack pointer switch: CONTROL register=%08x, stack in use is %s\n",__get_CONTROL(), (__get_CONTROL()&0x2)?"PSP":"MSP");
  debug_printf("The answer is %d (should be 46)\n",answer);
  // Set MSP to a "safe reserved area", so an exception can run safely...
  static MSP_stack[100];

Any comments on my “portable” merge appreciated !
Thanks again,
Best Regards, Dave

PS: My app has now processed >1 million CAN msgs
very happily :wink:

edwards3 wrote on Tuesday, July 12, 2011:

I don’t know how the m0 compares to the m3, but on the m3 the interrupt stack uses the stack that was used by main before the kernel was started. The location of the start of the stack is read from the first position of the vector table, if I remember.

If you have a modified port it would be good if you could post it to the site. I’m sure people would appreciated that.

dnadler wrote on Tuesday, July 12, 2011:

I will definitely post this after I get it cleaned up, probably next week,
first I must finish the (delayed by this issue) project and send some
boards to the customer… M0 stack setup is a bit different…
Best Regards, Dave