Compiling Cygnal demo using SDCC

nobody wrote on Monday, February 20, 2006:

I am very much interested to run cygnal demo program given on your site.

I have tried to compile and run cygnal demo program provided on your site.

I could not get success with that.

I am using code given in freertos3.2.4 and same code compiled with
SDCC compiler version 2.5.0. I am using the Silab IDE 2.6 to build the project. 

Please clarfy some of the daughts about that.

1) by default in SDCC.wsp project not included any files to build.
let me know the exactly which are the files to be going include to build.

2) by default in SDCC.wsp it is showing dunfild tool vendor instead of SDCC. Please tell me the reason.

3) after that i have changed tool vendor to SDCC and tried to compile.
but it is giving errors. as you have told this code is tested by you the this should not give any error.

Please reply as soon as possible.

rtel wrote on Monday, February 20, 2006:

The Cygnal port was created with an earlier version of the IDE that did not support SDCC directly.  Therefore the project was built using SDCC from the command line.  This is described on the Cygnal port page on the FreeRTOS WEB site - see the section "Building and executing the RTOS demo application" on the Cygnal page.

The makefile in the FreeRTOS/Demo/Cygnal directory is used to build the project.  You can see which files are included within the makefile.


nobody wrote on Monday, February 20, 2006:

I have tried to get output by typing


but it showing bad command. I am using win98 os.

what can be the problem.


nobody wrote on Monday, February 20, 2006:

Do you have make installed on your system?  See step 2 in "Building and Executing the RTOS demo application".