compiler ERROR for Cygnal 8051 Port

s402074786 wrote on Wednesday, March 25, 2009:

Hi, I am trying to compile the sources for Cygnal 8051 port of, but my output is the following error.

dcc -c --model-large -I. -I…/Common/include -I…/include -I…/…/Source/includ 
e -DSDCC_CYGNAL --debug --less-pedantic --xram-size 8448 --stack-auto --no-peep 
–int-long-reent --float-reent ParTest/ParTest.c 
process_begin: CreateProcess((null), sdcc -c --model-large -I. -I…/Common/inclu 
de -I…/include -I…/…/Source/include -DSDCC_CYGNAL --debug --less-pedantic --x 
ram-size 8448 --stack-auto --no-peep --int-long-reent --float-reent ParTest/ParT 
est.c, …) failed. 
make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified. 
make: *** [ParTest/ParTest.rel] Error 2 

thank you in advance for your help