CodeWarrior Compile problem

zhuguohun wrote on Sunday, February 13, 2005:

I Compile the FreeRtos with codewarrior, there a problem after simulate, it is always fail on debug when execute the user task coding:
  undefined instruction

rtel wrote on Sunday, February 13, 2005:

Unfortunately I am not familiar with CodeWarrior.  Is it a GUI for the GCC compiler - as per CrossWorks?  If so then how is the linker file and startup code produced?

zhuguohun wrote on Monday, February 14, 2005:

Firstly compiler the command line is below
-info totals -entry 0x00000000 -ro-base 0X00000000 -rw-base 0X40000000 -first VECTORS.O(Startup)

Secondly I try to debug and puzzle
when the taskYIELD is called (SWI)
  but the function
       void vPortYieldProcessor( void ) __irq;
  has no responsed,
  in other words, the function
    portRESTORE_CONTEXT  was calling but the function      portSAVE_CONTEXT  has never run.

So I guess the portSAVE_CONTEXT should be call before portRESTORE_CONTEXT, is ture or false?
Thank you again

rtel wrote on Monday, February 14, 2005:

Although you don’t say - from the command line and the __irq extension I am guessing that CodeWarrior is not a GCC wrapper GUI.

>Secondly I try to debug and puzzle
>when the taskYIELD is called (SWI)
>but the function
>void vPortYieldProcessor( void ) __irq;
>has no responsed,

Has the SWI interrupt handler been installed.  Does the SWI vector point to the vPortYieldProcessor() function.  This should be set up in your startup code.

>So I guess the portSAVE_CONTEXT should be
>call before portRESTORE_CONTEXT, is ture or

When the scheduler is initially started the stack is already set up, so *only* portRESTORE_CONTEXT should be called.

During a context switch when the scheduler is running both should be called.

Thank you again

zhuguohun wrote on Monday, February 14, 2005:

Sorry to say the CodeWarrior, it is not the Gui for Gcc,
  Would you like give me you email, I send the code which modified by mine, and maybe you can point how to solve the problem.
Thank you.

rtel wrote on Monday, February 14, 2005:

If you send the code to the email address available on the Contacts page of the WEB site I can have a look - but I don’t have CodeWarrior and cannot therefore support it directly.


zhuguohun wrote on Tuesday, February 15, 2005:

Thank you, I have send the code to you, please check it.
when goto my task code
the pxCurrentTCB is
   HeapSTRUCT_SIZE    0x8
   ulCriticalnesting    0x0
   pxCurrentTCB         0x40000180
          .pxTopOfStack  0x40000388  value=0
          .pxStack      0x400001D0  value=00xA5A5A5A5
      .uStackDepth    0x80
      .pcTaskName    "LED"   
      .ucPriority    .
        .xItemValue    0
        .pxNext        0x4000008c
        .pxPrevious    0x4000008c
        .pvOwner    0x40000180
        .pxContainer    0x40000080
        .xItemValue    3
        .pxNext        0
        .pxPrevious    0
        .pvOwner    0x40000180
        .pvContainer    0
    .ucTCBNumber        0

Current Register values

000001e0    [0xe92d4070] * stmfd    r13!,{r4-r6,r14}
000001e4    [0xe59f0124]   ldr      r0,0x00000310 ; = #0xe002c000
000001e8    [0xe5901000]   ldr      r1,[r0,#0]
000001ec    [0xe5801000]   str      r1,[r0,#0]
000001f0    [0xe5901004]   ldr      r1,[r0,#4]
000001f4    [0xe5801004]   str      r1,[r0,#4]
000001f8    [0xe2406c40]   sub      r6,r0,#0x4000
000001fc    [0xe5960008]   ldr      r0,[r6,#8]
00000200    [0xe3800f54]   orr      r0,r0,#0x150
00000204    [0xe5860008]   str      r0,[r6,#8]

step next  -->error occur
00000004    [0xe59ff018]   ldr      pc,UndefinedAddr ; = #UndefinedAddr

rtel wrote on Tuesday, February 15, 2005:


Without the tools all I can do is look at the source code to see if I can see anything wrong.  From what I can see you have based your CodeWarrior project on the Keil demo, making the changes listed in your last post.

Current Register values

These all appear to be what is expected.  The registers have their default initial values which shows that the first RESTORE_CONTEXT has worked as expected.


Again this looks correct, the first instruction in your LED task.

portmacro.h   —>
        extern __inline void  portSAVE_CONTEXT(void);
        extern __inline void  portRESTORE_CONTEXT(void);
        __inline void portENABLE_INTERRUPTS(void)
        __inline void portDISABLE_INTERRUPTS(void)

These are now defined in the ISR_Support.s file.  The context save/restore macros *MUST* be inline and it might be that the compiler will ignore the __inline keywork in this case.  Can you check the assembly output to make sure that the portENABLE/DISABLE_CONTEXT macros are really being inlined and there is no function call being generated by the compiler.

You appear to have setup the stack for the supervisor and IRQ modes.  Does your task start in System mode?  I presume this is what nzcvqifT_SYS means.

Also are you running in ARM mode only, or ARM/THUMB interwork mode?  It appears that the code is compiler for ARM mode (32bit) but I cannot tell from the nzcvqifT_SYS value whether you are in ARM or THUMB mode.  Does the T in nzcvqifT_SYS  mean THUMB mode?

zhuguohun wrote on Tuesday, February 15, 2005:

Thank you for your help.
These are now defined in the ISR_Support.s file. The context save/restore macros *MUST* be inline and it might be that the compiler will ignore the __inline keywork in this case. Can you check the assembly output to make sure that the portENABLE/DISABLE_CONTEXT macros are really being inlined and there is no function call being generated by the compiler.
I disassemble the function
          B        portRESTORE_CONTEXT
        0x00000004:    e92d500f    .P-.    STMFD    r13!,{r0-r3,r12,r14}
        0x00000008:    ebfffffe    …    BL       portSAVE_CONTEXT
        0x0000000c:    ebfffffe    …    BL       vTaskSwitchContext
        0x00000010:    ebfffffe    …    BL       portRESTORE_CONTEXT
        0x00000014:    e8bd500f    .P…    LDMFD    r13!,{r0-r3,r12,r14}
        0x00000018:    e25ef004    …^.    SUBS     pc,r14,#4
so it is not the truely inline
…I presume this is what nzcvqifT_SYS means
the last init stack coding  as belwo

;    /* We want to start in supervisor mode.  Operation will switch to system
;    mode when the first task starts. */
   msr   CPSR_c, #MODE_SVC|I_BIT|F_BIT
   mov   sp, r0

Also are you running in ARM mode only, or ARM/THUMB interwork mode
Yes, the code run in ARM only