Changing the port on FreeRtos

manish86 wrote on Friday, January 30, 2009:

I want to change my micro-controller from ATmega32 to ATMega1281.Do I need to get new port.c file or Atmega32’s port.c file would be compatible with ATmega 1281?

Or, In case if existing port of FReeRtos is not compatible with ATmega 1281 how can i get new port file for Atmega 1281?

rtel wrote on Saturday, January 31, 2009:

If the two cores are the same then you should require only minimal changes, if any at all.  However some AVRs have an extended architecture with an extra program counter byte - if this is the case for the 1281 then you will need to change the code that sets up the stack of each time when the task is created. 

I think there is info on this in this forum somewhere but it was a long time ago.  I also have some code on file that was contributed by a third party.  I have never tried it but send it to you if you like - write to me at r (dot) barry __at__ if so.
