Cellular - where to set hPktioCommIntf?

I am porting the cellular library to my project using the simcom demo. I have set up the function pointers for the interface

At initialization I am getting CELLULAR_PKT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE due to NULL hPktioCommIntf (source).

I understand that CellularCommInterfaceContext is meant to store my custom interface data and the receiveCallback + pUserData.

I tried grepping the whole library and simcom demo for hPktioCommIntf but did not find any initialization examples. Where should I initialize this field?

You are supposed to create a CellularCommInterface_t in the application and pass it to Cellular_Init.

I get the open/recv/etc. function pointer struct part. The context part was unclear but I think I understand now.

I am supposed to allocate CellularCommInterfaceContext myself in CellularCommInterfaceOpen_t and also set pCommInterfaceHandle to point to it.