Cant use heap_c and lwIP at the same time

tjohansen wrote on Monday, December 03, 2012:

Hi all

There is probably a good explanation why I cant use heap_2.c and lwIP at the same time?

When I do the I have memory overwrites in different FreeRTOS task.
Using heap_3.c (and setting a big enough heap size in the starup.s file) there is no problems

But why?


tjohansen wrote on Monday, December 03, 2012:

Should have been heap_2.c. Not heap_c  as in the header–


rtel wrote on Monday, December 03, 2012:

Heap_2.c just uses a statically allocated array for a heap, so it should be managed by the compiler and linker.  If you are getting FreeRTOS memory and lwIP memory on top of each other I would guess it was a linker script or lwIP mis-configuration.
