rajputkuldip wrote on Monday, March 02, 2015:

Respected Sir I am working with the project of the CAN driver implementation FreeRTOS I am following the code from the web link

I am getting the following errors-
1)While debugging the Demo-1 heap_2.c file is showing an error,
2) I did the semihosting settings in the lpcxpresso version 6.1.4 but i am unable to print the data to be sent and data received in the console while running the code. I have written the printf statements in the can.c file and the main.c file.
Would anybody please help me regarding this i will be very thankful to you.

rtel wrote on Monday, March 02, 2015:

FreeRTOS I am following the code from the web link

We are unable to provide direct support for third party examples or drivers, but can provide general FreeRTOS advice.

1)While debugging the Demo-1 heap_2.c file is showing an error,

Ok, but unfortunately I cannot suggest a solution, because you have not said what the error is.

  1. I did the semihosting settings in the lpcxpresso version 6.1.4

You will probably find that the interrupts used by the semi hosting will clash with the interrupts used by FreeRTOS - much better to direct printf() output to a UART.


rajputkuldip wrote on Tuesday, March 03, 2015:

I have attached the sample code of the framework that i am following. The code is not showing any error, but i am unable to show the result in the console view of Lpcxpresso IDE. I have did the setting change in the quick panel menu-> edit project settings->settings->MCU Linker->settings-> redlib(semihost). But still i am unable to print any statement from the main.c and other files to. Please suggest me the possible solution regarding this problem.

rtel wrote on Tuesday, March 03, 2015:

I can only repeat myself and say, best not to use semi hosting and
direct output to a UART instead. Besides which, your question is not
related to FreeRTOS but the use of the LPCXpresso tool - in which case
you are posting the question to the wrong forum anyway as NXP provide a
forum for LPCXresso support.
