AT91SAM7X demo missing file?

mlucia wrote on Friday, March 07, 2008:

Using GCC and the AT91SAM7X eclipse demo, main.c fails right away with a missing  uip_task.h. I cannot find that file anywhere in the FreeRTOS directory structure.

What have I missed?

Thanks - Mark

davedoors wrote on Friday, March 07, 2008:

I just searched the zip file and found uip_task.h in the Demo\ARM7_AT91SAM7X256_Eclipse\RTOSDemo\webserver directory.

mlucia wrote on Friday, March 07, 2008:

Sorry - the old case sensitivity thing

uip_task.h isn’t in the distrubution, but uIP_Task.h is, and to linux those are 2 distinct files.

Thanks VERY much - it was making me crazy - didn’t realize this wasn’t done on a linux box
