I run after some time of operation (~5-15 Minutes) into the problem, that my ESP32 restarts with the following error.
assert failed: xMBMasterRTUReceiveFSM mbrtu_m.c:235 (( eSndState == STATE_M_TX_IDLE ) || ( eSndState == STATE_M_TX_XFWR ))
The Modbus master code is pretty much the same as the example which is included in the ESP IDF, i just changed a few minor things.
This is the serial log:
I (1911922) count_task: RAM left 123264; mb_master_hwm: 1508, count_task_hwm: 20, mqtt_ssl_main_hwm: 6276
I (1912262) MASTER_TEST: Characteristic #0 Data_channel_0 (kW) value = 4531.000000 (0x458d9800) read successful. Restarted: 0
I (1912762) MASTER_TEST: Characteristic #0 Data_channel_0 (kW) value = 4531.000000 (0x458d9800) read successful. Restarted: 0
I (1913262) MASTER_TEST: Characteristic #0 Data_channel_0 (kW) value = 4531.000000 (0x458d9800) read successful. Restarted: 0
I (1913762) MASTER_TEST: Characteristic #0 Data_channel_0 (kW) value = 4531.000000 (0x458d9800) read successful. Restarted: 0
I (1914262) MASTER_TEST: Characteristic #0 Data_channel_0 (kW) value = 4531.000000 (0x458d9800) read successful. Restarted: 0
I (1914762) MASTER_TEST: Characteristic #0 Data_channel_0 (kW) value = 4531.000000 (0x458d9800) read successful. Restarted: 0
I (1914922) count_task: RAM left 123640; mb_master_hwm: 1508, count_task_hwm: 20, mqtt_ssl_main_hwm: 6276
I (1915262) MASTER_TEST: Characteristic #0 Data_channel_0 (kW) value = 4531.000000 (0x458d9800) read successful. Restarted: 0
I (1915762) MASTER_TEST: Characteristic #0 Data_channel_0 (kW) value = 4531.000000 (0x458d9800) read successful. Restarted: 0
I (1916262) MASTER_TEST: Characteristic #0 Data_channel_0 (kW) value = 4531.000000 (0x458d9800) read successful. Restarted: 0
I (1916762) MASTER_TEST: Characteristic #0 Data_channel_0 (kW) value = 4531.000000 (0x458d9800) read successful. Restarted: 0
assert failed: xMBMasterRTUReceiveFSM mbrtu_m.c:235 (( eSndState == STATE_M_TX_IDLE ) || ( eSndState == STATE_M_TX_XFWR ))
Backtrace:0x40081c02:0x3ffd00700x40089559:0x3ffd0090 0x400909b5:0x3ffd00b0 0x400e0751:0x3ffd01d0 0x400e1545:0x3ffd0200 0x400e15b4:0x3ffd0230 0x4008cdad:0x3ffd0260
0x40081c02: panic_abort at C:/Users/Michael.Uray/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_system/panic.c:402
0x40089559: esp_system_abort at C:/Users/Michael.Uray/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_system/esp_system.c:128
0x400909b5: __assert_func at C:/Users/Michael.Uray/esp/esp-idf/components/newlib/assert.c:85
0x400e0751: xMBMasterRTUReceiveFSM at C:/Users/Michael.Uray/esp/esp-idf/components/freemodbus/modbus/rtu/mbrtu_m.c:235 (discriminator 2)
0x400e1545: usMBMasterPortSerialRxPoll at C:/Users/Michael.Uray/esp/esp-idf/components/freemodbus/port/portserial_m.c:94
0x400e15b4: vUartTask at C:/Users/Michael.Uray/esp/esp-idf/components/freemodbus/port/portserial_m.c:142
0x4008cdad: vPortTaskWrapper at C:/Users/Michael.Uray/esp/esp-idf/components/freertos/port/xtensa/port.c:131
ELF file SHA256: 375376b08aba9e70
ets Jul 29 2019 12:21:46
My application runs a few tasks in parallel if that matters, which is a websocket/webserver, modbus client, modbus server and mqtt.
void app_main()
const static char *TAG = "main";
esp_err_t err = nvs_flash_init();
// NVS partition was truncated and needs to be erased
// Retry nvs_flash_init
err = nvs_flash_init();
xTaskCreate(&nvs_main, "nvs_main", 2000, NULL, 9, NULL);
xTaskCreate(&server_task, "server_task", 2000, NULL, 9, NULL);
xTaskCreate(&server_handle_task, "server_handle_task", 4000, NULL, 6, NULL);
xTaskCreate(&count_task, "count_task", 2000, NULL, 2, NULL);
xTaskCreate(&mb_master_main, "mb_master_main", 3500, NULL, 9, &mb_master_main_th);
xTaskCreate(&mb_slave_main, "mb_slave_main", 3500, NULL, 9, NULL);
xTaskCreate(&mqtt_ssl_main, "mqtt_ssl_main", 1024 * 8, NULL, 9, &mqtt_ssl_main_th);
What could cause this problem or how could I trace it back?