/*********************************************************************************************************************** * File Name : net_thread_entry.c * Description : This file contains the User Application code for the Ethernet + TCP/IP ***********************************************************************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************************************************************** * DISCLAIMER * This software is supplied by Renesas Electronics Corporation and is only intended for use with Renesas products. No * other uses are authorized. This software is owned by Renesas Electronics Corporation and is protected under all * applicable laws, including copyright laws. * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND RENESAS MAKES NO WARRANTIES REGARDING * THIS SOFTWARE, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. ALL SUCH WARRANTIES ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. TO THE MAXIMUM * EXTENT PERMITTED NOT PROHIBITED BY LAW, NEITHER RENESAS ELECTRONICS CORPORATION NOR ANY OF ITS AFFILIATED COMPANIES * SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES FOR ANY REASON RELATED TO THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF RENESAS OR ITS AFFILIATES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. * Renesas reserves the right, without notice, to make changes to this software and to discontinue the availability of * this software. By using this software, you agree to the additional terms and conditions found by accessing the * following link: * http://www.renesas.com/disclaimer * * Copyright (C) 2019 Renesas Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved. ***********************************************************************************************************************/ #include "net_thread.h" #include "FreeRTOS_IP.h" #include "FreeRTOS_IP_Private.h" #include "FreeRTOS_Sockets.h" #include "common_utils.h" #include "usr_app.h" #include "telnet.h" /* Domain for the DNS Host lookup is used in this Example Project. * The project can be built with different *domain_name to validate the DNS client */ char *domain_name = USR_TEST_DOMAIN_NAME; /* IP address of the PC or any Device on the LAN/WAN where the Ping request is sent. * Note: Users needs to change this according to the LAN settings of your Test PC or device * when running this project. */ //char *remote_ip_address = ""; //char *remote_ip_address = ""; char *remote_ip_address = USR_TEST_PING_IP; #if( ipconfigUSE_DHCP != 0 ) /* DHCP populates these IP address, Sub net mask and Gateway Address. So start with this is zeroed out values * The MAC address is Test MAC address. */ static uint8_t ucMACAddress[ 6 ] = {0x00, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55}; static uint8_t ucIPAddress[ 4 ] = {RESET_VALUE}; static uint8_t ucNetMask[ 4 ] = {RESET_VALUE}; static uint8_t ucGatewayAddress[ 4 ] = {RESET_VALUE}; static uint8_t ucDNSServerAddress[ 4 ] = {RESET_VALUE}; #else /* Static IP configuration, when DHCP mode is not used for the Example Project. * This needs to be populated by the user according to the Network Settings of your LAN. * This sample address taken from the LAN where it is tested. This is different for different LAN. * get the Address using the PC IPconfig details. */ static uint8_t ucMACAddress[ 6 ] = {0x00, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55}; static uint8_t ucIPAddress[ 4 ] = {192, 168, 0, 52}; static uint8_t ucNetMask[ 4 ] = {255, 255, 255, 0}; static uint8_t ucGatewayAddress[ 4 ] = {192, 168, 0, 3}; static uint8_t ucDNSServerAddress[ 4 ] = {10, 60, 1, 2}; #endif #if( ipconfigUSE_DHCP != 0 ) extern NetworkAddressingParameters_t xNetworkAddressing; NetworkAddressingParameters_t xNd = {RESET_VALUE, RESET_VALUE, RESET_VALUE, RESET_VALUE, RESET_VALUE}; #endif static TelnetClient_t *pxTelnetAddSocket( Telnet_t *pxTelnet ); static void vTelnetRemove( Telnet_t * pxTelnet, TelnetClient_t *pxClient ); uint32_t dhcp_in_use = 0x01; uint32_t usrPingCount = RESET_VALUE; ping_data_t ping_data = {RESET_VALUE, RESET_VALUE, RESET_VALUE}; static uint32_t usr_print_ability = RESET_VALUE; static Telnet_t myTelnet; struct freertos_sockaddr peer_address; char pcBuffer[ 129 ]; /*******************************************************************************************************************//** * @brief Generates 32 bit Random number * @param[in] void * @retval Random Number **********************************************************************************************************************/ uint32_t ulRand() { /* example of a 32-bit random number generator. * Here rand() returns a 15-bit number. so create 32 bit Random number using 15 bit rand() */ uint32_t ulResult = ((((uint32_t) rand()) & 0x7fffuL) ) | ((((uint32_t) rand()) & 0x7fffuL) << 15 ) | ((((uint32_t) rand()) & 0x0003uL) << 30 ); return ulResult; } /*******************************************************************************************************************//** * @brief Generates 32 sequence number * @param[in] Source IP, Source Port, Destination IP and Destination Port. * @retval Sequence Number **********************************************************************************************************************/ uint32_t ulApplicationGetNextSequenceNumber(uint32_t ulSourceAddress, uint16_t usSourcePort, uint32_t ulDestinationAddress, uint16_t usDestinationPort) { /* Here we need to get random number for the sequence number. * This is just for testing purpose, so software rand() is okay. * This can also be tied to the TRNG. */ return((ulSourceAddress + ulDestinationAddress + usSourcePort + usDestinationPort) && ulRand()); } /*******************************************************************************************************************//** * @brief Send ICMP Ping request based on the user input IP Address. * @param[in] IP address to Ping * @retval Sequence Number **********************************************************************************************************************/ BaseType_t vSendPing( const char *pcIPAddress) { uint32_t ulIPAddress = RESET_VALUE; /* * The pcIPAddress parameter holds the destination IP address as a string in * decimal dot notation (for example, “”). Convert the string into * the required 32-bit format. */ ulIPAddress = FreeRTOS_inet_addr(pcIPAddress); /* * Send a ping request containing 8 data bytes. Wait (in the Blocked state) a * maximum of 100ms for a network buffer into which the generated ping request * can be written and sent. */ return(FreeRTOS_SendPingRequest(ulIPAddress, 8, 100 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS)); } /*******************************************************************************************************************//** * @brief User Hook for the Ping Reply. vApplicationPingReplyHook() is called by the TCP/IP * stack when the stack receives a ping reply. * @param[in] Ping reply status and Identifier * @retval None **********************************************************************************************************************/ void vApplicationPingReplyHook( ePingReplyStatus_t eStatus, uint16_t usIdentifier ) { (void) usIdentifier; switch( eStatus ) { /* A valid ping reply has been received */ case eSuccess : ping_data.received++; break; /* A reply was received but it was not valid. */ case eInvalidData : default: ping_data.lost++; break; } } /*******************************************************************************************************************//** * @brief This is the User Thread for the EP. * @param[in] Thread specific parameters * @retval None **********************************************************************************************************************/ void net_thread_entry(void *pvParameters) { BaseType_t status = pdFALSE; fsp_pack_version_t version = {RESET_VALUE}; FSP_PARAMETER_NOT_USED (pvParameters); /* version get API for FLEX pack information */ R_FSP_VersionGet (&version); /* Example Project information printed on the RTT */ APP_PRINT (BANNER_INFO, EP_VERSION, version.major, version.minor, version.patch); /* Prints the Ethernet Configuration prior to the IP Init*/ APP_PRINT(ETH_PREINIT); print_ipconfig(); /* FreeRTOS IP Initialization: This init initializes the IP stack */ status = FreeRTOS_IPInit(ucIPAddress, ucNetMask, ucGatewayAddress, ucDNSServerAddress, ucMACAddress); if(pdFALSE == status) { APP_ERR_PRINT("FreeRTOS_IPInit Failed"); APP_ERR_TRAP(status); } APP_PRINT(ETH_POSTINIT); while(true) { /* Check if Both the Ethernet Link and IP link are UP */ if(SUCCESS == isNetworkUp()) { /* usr_print_ability is added to avoid multiple UP messages or Down Messages repeating*/ if(!(PRINT_UP_MSG_DISABLE & usr_print_ability)) { APP_PRINT("\r\nNetwork is Up"); usr_print_ability |= PRINT_UP_MSG_DISABLE; } if(!(PRINT_NWK_USR_MSG_DISABLE & usr_print_ability)) { #if( ipconfigUSE_DHCP != 0 ) /* Display the New IP credentials obtained from the DHCP server */ updateDhcpResponseToUsr(); #endif /* Updated IP credentials on to the RTT console */ print_ipconfig(); xTelnetCreate( &myTelnet, TELNET_PORT_NUMBER ); /*DNS lookup for the Domain name requested. This is Synchronous Activity */ dnsQuerryFunc(domain_name); } if(!(PRINT_NWK_USR_MSG_DISABLE & usr_print_ability)) { APP_PRINT("\r\nPinging %s:\r\n\r\n",(char *)remote_ip_address); } while (usrPingCount < USR_PING_COUNT) { /* Send a ICMP Ping request to the requested IP address * USR_PING_COUNT (100) is used in this Example Project * For Continuous testing the count can be increased to bigger number */ status = vSendPing((char *)remote_ip_address); if(status != pdFALSE) { ping_data.sent++; APP_PRINT("!"); } else { ping_data.lost++; APP_PRINT("."); } usrPingCount++; /* Add some delay between Pings */ vTaskDelay(10); } if(!(PRINT_NWK_USR_MSG_DISABLE & usr_print_ability)) { print_pingResult(); usr_print_ability |= PRINT_NWK_USR_MSG_DISABLE; } } else { if(!(PRINT_DOWN_MSG_DISABLE & usr_print_ability)) { APP_PRINT("\r\nNetwork is Down"); usr_print_ability |= PRINT_DOWN_MSG_DISABLE; } else { APP_PRINT("."); } } BaseType_t xResult = xTelnetRecv( &( myTelnet ), &( peer_address ), pcBuffer, sizeof pcBuffer ); if( xResult > 0 ) { xResult = APP_PRINT( pcBuffer, sizeof pcBuffer, "Thank you\n" ); xTelnetSend( &( myTelnet ), &( peer_address ), pcBuffer, xResult ); } vTaskDelay(100); } } /*******************************************************************************************************************//** * @brief This is the User Hook for the DHCP Response. xApplicationDHCPHook() is called by DHCP Client Code when DHCP * handshake messages are exchanged from the Server. * @param[in] Different Phases of DHCP Phases and the Offered IP Address * @retval Returns DHCP Answers. **********************************************************************************************************************/ #if( ipconfigUSE_DHCP != 0 ) eDHCPCallbackAnswer_t xApplicationDHCPHook( eDHCPCallbackPhase_t eDHCPPhase, uint32_t ulIPAddress ) { eDHCPCallbackAnswer_t eReturn = eDHCPContinue; /* * This hook is called in a couple of places during the DHCP process, as identified by the eDHCPPhase parameter. */ switch( eDHCPPhase ) { case eDHCPPhasePreDiscover : /* * A DHCP discovery is about to be sent out. eDHCPContinue is returned to allow the discovery to go out. * If eDHCPUseDefaults had been returned instead then the DHCP process would be stopped and the statically * configured IP address would be used. * If eDHCPStopNoChanges had been returned instead then the DHCP process would be stopped and whatever the * current network configuration was would continue to be used. */ break; case eDHCPPhasePreRequest : /* An offer has been received from the DHCP server, and the offered IP address is passed in the ulIPAddress * parameter. */ /* * The sub-domains don’t match, so continue with the DHCP process so the offered IP address is used. */ /* Update the Structure, the DHCP state Machine is not updating this */ xNetworkAddressing.ulDefaultIPAddress = ulIPAddress; dhcp_in_use = 1; break; default : /* * Cannot be reached, but set eReturn to prevent compiler warnings where compilers are disposed to generating one. */ break; } return eReturn; } #endif /*******************************************************************************************************************//** * @brief Prints the Ping response on to the RTT console * @param[in] void * @retval None **********************************************************************************************************************/ void print_pingResult(void) { APP_PRINT("\r\n \r\nPing Statistics for %s :\r\n",(char *)remote_ip_address); APP_PRINT("\r\nPackets: Sent = %02d, Received = %02d, Lost = %02d \r\n",ping_data.sent,ping_data.received,ping_data.lost); } /*******************************************************************************************************************//** * @brief Creates and prints the the IP configuration to display on the RTT console * @param[in] void * @retval None **********************************************************************************************************************/ void print_ipconfig(void) { #if( ipconfigUSE_DHCP != 0 ) if(dhcp_in_use) { ucNetMask[3] = (uint8_t)((xNd.ulNetMask & 0xFF000000) >> 24); ucNetMask[2] = (uint8_t)((xNd.ulNetMask & 0x00FF0000) >> 16); ucNetMask[1] = (uint8_t)((xNd.ulNetMask & 0x0000FF00) >> 8); ucNetMask[0] = (uint8_t)(xNd.ulNetMask & 0x000000FF); ucGatewayAddress[3] = (uint8_t)((xNd.ulGatewayAddress & 0xFF000000)>> 24);; ucGatewayAddress[2] = (uint8_t)((xNd.ulGatewayAddress & 0x00FF0000)>> 16); ucGatewayAddress[1] = (uint8_t)((xNd.ulGatewayAddress & 0x0000FF00)>> 8); ucGatewayAddress[0] = (uint8_t)(xNd.ulGatewayAddress & 0x000000FF); ucDNSServerAddress[3] = (uint8_t)((xNd.ulDNSServerAddress & 0xFF000000)>> 24); ucDNSServerAddress[2] = (uint8_t)((xNd.ulDNSServerAddress & 0x00FF0000)>> 16); ucDNSServerAddress[1] = (uint8_t)((xNd.ulDNSServerAddress & 0x0000FF00)>> 8); ucDNSServerAddress[0] = (uint8_t)(xNd.ulDNSServerAddress & 0x000000FF); ucIPAddress[3] = (uint8_t)((xNd.ulDefaultIPAddress & 0xFF000000) >> 24); ucIPAddress[2] = (uint8_t)((xNd.ulDefaultIPAddress & 0x00FF0000) >> 16); ucIPAddress[1] = (uint8_t)((xNd.ulDefaultIPAddress & 0x0000FF00) >> 8); ucIPAddress[0] = (uint8_t)(xNd.ulDefaultIPAddress & 0x000000FF); } #endif APP_PRINT("\r\nEthernet adapter for Renesas "KIT_NAME":\r\n") APP_PRINT("\tDescription . . . . . . . . . . . : Renesas "KIT_NAME" Ethernet\r\n"); APP_PRINT("\tPhysical Address. . . . . . . . . : %02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x\r\n", ucMACAddress[0],ucMACAddress[1],ucMACAddress[2],ucMACAddress[3],ucMACAddress[4],ucMACAddress[5]); APP_PRINT("\tDHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : %s\r\n",dhcp_in_use?"Yes":"No") APP_PRINT("\tIPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : %d.%d.%d.%d\r\n",ucIPAddress[0],ucIPAddress[1],ucIPAddress[2],ucIPAddress[3]); APP_PRINT("\tSubnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . : %d.%d.%d.%d\r\n",ucNetMask[0],ucNetMask[1],ucNetMask[2],ucNetMask[3]); APP_PRINT("\tDefault Gateway . . . . . . . . . : %d.%d.%d.%d\r\n",ucGatewayAddress[0],ucGatewayAddress[1],ucGatewayAddress[2],ucGatewayAddress[3]); APP_PRINT("\tDNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . : %d.%d.%d.%d\r\n",ucDNSServerAddress[0],ucDNSServerAddress[1],ucDNSServerAddress[2],ucDNSServerAddress[3]); } /*******************************************************************************************************************//** * @brief DNS Query for the requested Domain name. Uses the FreeRTOS Client API FreeRTOS_gethostbyname * to get the IP address for the domain name * @param[in] Domain name * @retval None **********************************************************************************************************************/ void dnsQuerryFunc(char *domain) { uint32_t ulIPAddress = RESET_VALUE; int8_t cBuffer[ 16 ] = {RESET_VALUE}; /* Lookup the IP address of the FreeRTOS.org website. */ ulIPAddress = FreeRTOS_gethostbyname((char*)domain); if( ulIPAddress != 0 ) { /* Convert the IP address to a string. */ FreeRTOS_inet_ntoa( ulIPAddress, ( char * ) cBuffer); /* Print out the IP address obtained from the DNS lookup. */ APP_PRINT ("\r\nDNS Lookup for \"www.freertos.org\" is : %s \r\n", cBuffer); } else { APP_PRINT ("\r\nDNS Lookup failed for \"www.freertos.org\" \r\n"); } } /*******************************************************************************************************************//** * @brief This Function checks the Network status (Both Ethernet and IP Layer). If the Network is down * the Application will not send any data on the network. * @param[in] None * @retval Network Status **********************************************************************************************************************/ uint32_t isNetworkUp(void) { fsp_err_t eth_link_status = FSP_ERR_NOT_OPEN; BaseType_t networkUp = pdFALSE; uint32_t network_status = (IP_LINK_UP | ETHERNET_LINK_UP); networkUp = FreeRTOS_IsNetworkUp(); eth_link_status = R_ETHER_LinkProcess(g_ether0.p_ctrl); if((FSP_SUCCESS == eth_link_status) && (pdTRUE == networkUp)) { return network_status; } else { if(FSP_SUCCESS != eth_link_status) { network_status |= ETHERNET_LINK_DOWN; } else if(FSP_SUCCESS == eth_link_status) { network_status |= ETHERNET_LINK_UP; } if(pdTRUE != networkUp) { network_status |= IP_LINK_DOWN; } else if(pdTRUE == networkUp) { network_status |= IP_LINK_UP; } return network_status; } } /*******************************************************************************************************************//** * @brief Update the DHCP info to the User data structure. * @param[in] None * @retval None **********************************************************************************************************************/ #if( ipconfigUSE_DHCP != 0 ) void updateDhcpResponseToUsr(void) { if(dhcp_in_use) { memcpy(&xNd, &xNetworkAddressing, sizeof(xNd)); } } #endif /*******************************************************************************************************************//** * @brief DHCP Hook function to populate the user defined Host name for the Kit. * @param[in] None * @retval Hostname **********************************************************************************************************************/ #if( ipconfigDHCP_REGISTER_HOSTNAME == 1 ) const char *pcApplicationHostnameHook(void) { return KIT_NAME; } #endif /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ static TelnetClient_t *pxTelnetAddSocket( Telnet_t *pxTelnet ) { TelnetClient_t *pxNewClient; pxNewClient = pvPortMalloc( sizeof( *pxNewClient ) ); if( pxNewClient != NULL ) { memset( pxNewClient, '\0', sizeof( *pxNewClient ) ); if( pxTelnet->xClients == NULL ) { pxTelnet->xClients = pxNewClient; } else { TelnetClient_t *pxClient; pxClient = pxTelnet->xClients; while( pxClient->pxNext != NULL ) { pxClient = pxClient->pxNext; } pxClient->pxNext = pxNewClient; } } return pxNewClient; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void vTelnetRemove( Telnet_t * pxTelnet, TelnetClient_t *pxClient ) { TelnetClient_t *pxList; if( pxTelnet->xClients == pxClient ) { pxTelnet->xClients = pxClient->pxNext; } else { pxList = pxTelnet->xClients; do { if( pxList->pxNext == pxClient ) { pxList->pxNext = pxClient->pxNext; break; } pxList = pxList->pxNext; } while( pxList != NULL ); } FreeRTOS_closesocket( pxClient->xSocket ); vPortFree( pxClient ); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ BaseType_t xTelnetSend( Telnet_t * pxTelnet, struct freertos_sockaddr *pxAddress, const char *pcBuffer, BaseType_t xLength ) { TelnetClient_t *pxClient, *pxNext; BaseType_t xResult = 0; pxClient = pxTelnet->xClients; while( pxClient != NULL ) { /* Make a copy of pxNext, because pxClient might be deleted in case send() failes. */ pxNext = pxClient->pxNext; /* Send to all, or send to a specific IP/port address. */ if( ( pxAddress == NULL ) || ( ( pxAddress->sin_addr == pxClient->xAddress.sin_addr ) && ( pxAddress->sin_port == pxClient->xAddress.sin_port ) ) ) { xResult = FreeRTOS_send( pxClient->xSocket, pcBuffer, xLength, 0 ); if( ( xResult < 0 ) && ( xResult != -pdFREERTOS_ERRNO_EAGAIN ) && ( xResult != -pdFREERTOS_ERRNO_EINTR ) ) { FreeRTOS_printf( ( "xTelnetSend: client %p disconnected (rc %d)\n", pxClient->xSocket, ( int )xResult ) ); vTelnetRemove( pxTelnet, pxClient ); } if( pxAddress != NULL ) { break; } } pxClient = pxNext; } return xResult; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ BaseType_t xTelnetRecv( Telnet_t * pxTelnet, struct freertos_sockaddr *pxAddress, char *pcBuffer, BaseType_t xMaxLength ) { Socket_t xSocket; #if( ipconfigUSE_IPv6 != 0 ) struct freertos_sockaddr6 xAddress; struct freertos_sockaddr *xAddress4 = ( struct freertos_sockaddr * ) &( xAddress ); #else struct freertos_sockaddr xAddress; struct freertos_sockaddr *xAddress4 = ( struct freertos_sockaddr * ) &( xAddress ); #endif socklen_t xSize = sizeof( xAddress ); TelnetClient_t *pxClient, *pxNextClient; BaseType_t xResult = 0; if( pxTelnet->xParentSocket != NULL ) { xAddress.sin_len = sizeof( xAddress ); xAddress.sin_family = FREERTOS_AF_INET; xSocket = FreeRTOS_accept( pxTelnet->xParentSocket, ( struct freertos_sockaddr * ) &xAddress, &xSize ); if( ( xSocket != NULL ) && ( xSocket != FREERTOS_INVALID_SOCKET ) ) { #if( ipconfigUSE_IPv6 != 0 ) if( xAddress.sin_family == FREERTOS_AF_INET6 ) { struct freertos_sockaddr6 *pxAddress6 = ( struct freertos_sockaddr6 * ) &( xAddress ); FreeRTOS_printf( ( "xTelnetRead: new client from %pip:%u\n", pxAddress6->sin_addrv6.ucBytes, ( unsigned )FreeRTOS_ntohs( pxAddress6->sin_port ) ) ); } else #endif { FreeRTOS_printf( ( "xTelnetRead: new client from %xip:%u\n", ( unsigned )FreeRTOS_ntohl( xAddress4->sin_addr ), ( unsigned )FreeRTOS_ntohs( xAddress4->sin_port ) ) ); } pxClient = pxTelnetAddSocket( pxTelnet ); if( pxClient != NULL ) { pxClient->xSocket = xSocket; memcpy( &pxClient->xAddress, &xAddress, sizeof( pxClient->xAddress ) ); } } pxClient = pxTelnet->xClients; while( pxClient != NULL ) { /* Make a copy of pxNext, because pxClient might be deleted in case recv() fails. */ pxNextClient = pxClient->pxNext; xSocket = pxClient->xSocket; xResult = FreeRTOS_recv( xSocket, pcBuffer, xMaxLength, 0 ); if( xResult > 0 ) { if( pxAddress != NULL ) { /* Return the address of the remote client. */ memcpy( pxAddress, &pxClient->xAddress, sizeof( *pxAddress ) ); } break; } if( ( xResult < 0 ) && ( xResult != -pdFREERTOS_ERRNO_EAGAIN ) && ( xResult != -pdFREERTOS_ERRNO_EINTR ) ) { FreeRTOS_printf( ( "xTelnetRead: client %p disconnected (rc %d)\n", xSocket, ( int )xResult ) ); vTelnetRemove( pxTelnet, pxClient ); } pxClient = pxNextClient; } } return xResult; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ #if( ipconfigDNS_USE_CALLBACKS != 0 ) void vOnTCPConnected( Socket_t xSocket, BaseType_t ulConnected ) { FreeRTOS_printf( ( "vOnTCPConnected (%p, %ld)\n", xSocket, ulConnected ) ); } BaseType_t vOnTCPReceived( Socket_t xSocket, void * pData, size_t xLength ) { ( void ) xSocket; FreeRTOS_printf( ( "vOnTCPReceived (%p, %d)\n", pData, xLength ) ); return 1U; } #endif /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ BaseType_t xTelnetCreate( Telnet_t * pxTelnet, BaseType_t xPortNr ) { BaseType_t xSendTimeOut = 100U;//portMAX_DELAY; BaseType_t xRecvTimeOut = 10; struct freertos_sockaddr xBindAddress; BaseType_t xResult = 0; memset( pxTelnet, '\0', sizeof( *pxTelnet ) ); /* Attempt to open the socket. */ pxTelnet->xParentSocket = FreeRTOS_socket( FREERTOS_AF_INET, FREERTOS_SOCK_STREAM, FREERTOS_IPPROTO_TCP ); if( ( pxTelnet->xParentSocket == FREERTOS_INVALID_SOCKET ) || ( pxTelnet->xParentSocket == NULL ) ) { xResult = -pdFREERTOS_ERRNO_ENOMEM; /* Don't like the value 'FREERTOS_INVALID_SOCKET'. */ pxTelnet->xParentSocket = NULL; } else { /* Set the time-outs for both sending and receiving data to zero. */ xResult = FreeRTOS_setsockopt( pxTelnet->xParentSocket, 0, FREERTOS_SO_RCVTIMEO, &xRecvTimeOut, sizeof( xRecvTimeOut ) ); xResult = FreeRTOS_setsockopt( pxTelnet->xParentSocket, 0, FREERTOS_SO_SNDTIMEO, &xSendTimeOut, sizeof( xSendTimeOut ) ); #if( ipconfigDNS_USE_CALLBACKS != 0 ) { F_TCP_UDP_Handler_t xHandler; memset( &( xHandler ), 0, sizeof( xHandler ) ); xHandler.pxOnTCPConnected = vOnTCPConnected; FreeRTOS_setsockopt( pxTelnet->xParentSocket, 0, FREERTOS_SO_TCP_CONN_HANDLER, &( xHandler ), sizeof( xHandler ) ); /* When you set the TCP_RECV_HANDLER, telnet won't work properly because the incoming data won't be available for the calls to FreeRTOS_recv(). */ #if 0 xHandler.pxOnTCPReceive = vOnTCPReceived; FreeRTOS_setsockopt( pxTelnet->xParentSocket, 0, FREERTOS_SO_TCP_RECV_HANDLER, &( xHandler ), sizeof( xHandler ) ); #endif /* 0 */ } #endif /* ( ipconfigDNS_USE_CALLBACKS != 0 ) */ if( xResult >= 0 ) { xBindAddress.sin_addr = 0; xBindAddress.sin_port = FreeRTOS_htons( xPortNr ); xResult = FreeRTOS_bind( pxTelnet->xParentSocket, &xBindAddress, sizeof( xBindAddress ) ); if( xResult >= 0 ) { /* Limit the maximum number of simultaneous clients. */ xResult = FreeRTOS_listen( pxTelnet->xParentSocket, TELNET_MAX_CLIENT_COUNT ); } } } FreeRTOS_printf( ( "xTelnetCreate: socket created: rc %ld port %u\n", xResult, ( unsigned )xPortNr ) ); return xResult; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/